I have used the following code to copy and paste rows that have values in Column "C" that are greater than the value of cell W62. I like the structure of it because it runs more quickly than some other macro options. However, I am having a difficult time adjusting it to copy rows that contain the word "Sales" in Column "D". [Note the individual cell might say "Sales1" or "SalesBC", not just "Sales"- so the contains aspect is key]. I am hoping that someone could add some insight.
Thank you very much!
Current Macro:
Dim rws1 As Range, cell1 As Range, value As Long
Set cell1 = Range("c2")
Do Until cell1.value = ""
value = Val(cell1.value)
If (value < Sheets("Sheet1").Range("w62").value) Then
If rws1 Is Nothing Then
Set rws1 = cell1.EntireRow
Set rws1 = Union(cell1.EntireRow, rws1)
End If
End If
Set cell1 = cell1.Offset(1)
If Not rws1 Is Nothing Then rws1.Copy
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Set rws1 = Nothing
Set cell1 = Nothing
End Sub
Thank you very much!
Current Macro:
Dim rws1 As Range, cell1 As Range, value As Long
Set cell1 = Range("c2")
Do Until cell1.value = ""
value = Val(cell1.value)
If (value < Sheets("Sheet1").Range("w62").value) Then
If rws1 Is Nothing Then
Set rws1 = cell1.EntireRow
Set rws1 = Union(cell1.EntireRow, rws1)
End If
End If
Set cell1 = cell1.Offset(1)
If Not rws1 Is Nothing Then rws1.Copy
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Set rws1 = Nothing
Set cell1 = Nothing
End Sub