I have a situation that I am hoping a VBA guru can help me with. I am trying to copy some information from one workbook to the next. The thing is, in the spreadsheet we are copying it from, the column I want to copy varies. Sometimes it is column B sometimes it is C etc. this is because the spreadsheet is extracted from a tool, and the person extracting it selects what column they want to extract. Some people may choose 4 columns, some 5 etc, depending on what they want to see. Also the name of the worksheet is named dynamically based on the user name of the person who is exporting the document. For my code though, I couldnt figure out how to dynamically get the sheet name, so I called it "test_name" and renamed the sheet accordingly. In my example the sheet I am copying it from is called "ngpf_file", the sheet I am copying it to is called review_tracking. The code lives in the workbook with the sheet called "review_tracking", hence when I am trying to paste I referred to "This_workbook". I had this work before, now it's not, it's giving me a subscript out of range error when I am trying to paste. Also, I tried to dynamically grab all the records on the column, as it varies, then I converted the column number to the alphabatic value. I am sure this code can be cleaned up tremendously. I am definitely not a programmer, but I know there must be cleaner ways to do things. i just get snippets of code from online and try to put them together. Any help is appreciated. thanks
I have a situation that I am hoping a VBA guru can help me with. I am trying to copy some information from one workbook to the next. The thing is, in the spreadsheet we are copying it from, the column I want to copy varies. Sometimes it is column B sometimes it is C etc. this is because the spreadsheet is extracted from a tool, and the person extracting it selects what column they want to extract. Some people may choose 4 columns, some 5 etc, depending on what they want to see. Also the name of the worksheet is named dynamically based on the user name of the person who is exporting the document. For my code though, I couldnt figure out how to dynamically get the sheet name, so I called it "test_name" and renamed the sheet accordingly. In my example the sheet I am copying it from is called "ngpf_file", the sheet I am copying it to is called review_tracking. The code lives in the workbook with the sheet called "review_tracking", hence when I am trying to paste I referred to "This_workbook". I had this work before, now it's not, it's giving me a subscript out of range error when I am trying to paste. Also, I tried to dynamically grab all the records on the column, as it varies, then I converted the column number to the alphabatic value. I am sure this code can be cleaned up tremendously. I am definitely not a programmer, but I know there must be cleaner ways to do things. i just get snippets of code from online and try to put them together. Any help is appreciated. thanks
Sub LookInOtherBookCSCRValues()
Dim wBook As Workbook
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim test1 As String
'On Error Resume Next
If Workbooks("ngpf_file.xls") Is Nothing Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Documents and Settings\m308312\Desktop\ng\ngpf_file.xls"
End If
Set wBook = Workbooks("ngpf_file.xls")
'On Error Resume Next
For Each wSheet In wBook.Worksheets
'Finds the column from ngpf_file with heading "ID"
strGotIt = wSheet.Rows(1).Find(What:="ID", After:=wSheet.Cells(1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=True).Column
'Convert Column number value to Letter
If strGotIt > 26 Then
MyColumnLetter = Chr(Int((strGotIt - 1) / 26) + 64) & Chr(((strGotIt - 1) Mod 26) + 65)
MyColumnLetter = Chr(strGotIt + 64)
End If
If strGotIt <> vbNullString Then
FinalRow = Range(MyColumnLetter & 65536).End(xlUp).Row
wBook.Worksheets("testSheet").Range(MyColumnLetter & 2, Range(MyColumnLetter & 2, MyColumnLetter & FinalRow)).Select
'ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Review_Tracking").Range("A3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
MsgBox "The Value 'ID' has not been found in" & wBook
End If
End Sub