I am currently using this formula to count contact types in a given week: =COUNTIFS(ContactType,$C5,Weekof,"=" & AJ$4). It works fine.
Recently the data has changed in two ways 1) changes to spelling of existing contacts types,eg, XTR Agency became TR Agency, 2) replacement of existing contact types, eg, SRC Frontline became PCS Lead. For the meanwhile I need to count both. Inexplicably a modification to my original formula does not work anymore. So I tried these below.
The first is pulling the contact type from list in Sheet1.
=COUNTIFS(ContactType,"=" & Sheet1!F4,Weekof,"=" & AJ$4,ContactType, "=" & Sheet1!F5,Weekof,"="&AJ$4)
The second is a modification of your formula:
=SUM(COUNTIF(ContactType,{"XTR Agency","TR Agency"}))
=SUM(COUNTIF(ContactType,{"XTR Agency","TR Agency"},{Weekof,"=" & AJ$4}))
However, I cannot get the date part to work, ie, weekof... I'd appreciate some help to get this right.