<TABLE cellSpacing=0 bgColor=#ffffff border=1><CAPTION>Query8</CAPTION><THEAD><TR><TH borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#c0c0c0>Ename</TH><TH borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#c0c0c0>Edate</TH><TH borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#c0c0c0>Rdate</TH><TH borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#c0c0c0>Expr1003</TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Imran</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>23/01/2011 00:01:01</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>23/01/2011 23:20:01</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>23/08/2011 10:46:12</TD></TR></TBODY><TFOOT></TFOOT></TABLE>
I have got one of the above value in entiere table
I'm only interested in the one Edate and Rdate are "now()-1" not before and after.
I have used the following conditions but no Success:
Questions ,
which one is better if you want to use time contraint "BETWEEN" or ">=" "<=" ?
In my actual query , I'm using control paramters i.e. PARAM1 and PARAM2.
The param should brings only date value as shown below but would like to add time value
Many thanks
I have got one of the above value in entiere table
I'm only interested in the one Edate and Rdate are "now()-1" not before and after.
I have used the following conditions but no Success:
where edate >= (now()-1 & 00:01:01) and edate <= edate(now()-1 & 23:59:59)
where edate between edate (now-1 & 00:01:01) and edate (now()-1 & 23:59:59)
Or where edate >= format (now()-1 00:00:01,"dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss")
and edate <= format (now()-1 23:59:59,"dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss")
and try the above with between but nothing coming up don't know why?
which one is better if you want to use time contraint "BETWEEN" or ">=" "<=" ?
In my actual query , I'm using control paramters i.e. PARAM1 and PARAM2.
The param should brings only date value as shown below but would like to add time value
And (StWDate)<=[Param2]
How can I add time contraint value in above control Param2 23:59:59 , ([Param2] & 23:59:59) ?
the above Param2 value after running will be look like as follow on Design er view:
>=#15/08/2011# And <=#22/08/2011#
How can I add time value as its missing some rows in actual table because of time value i think:
can I try like
And (StWDate)<=[Param2] [COLOR=red]& 23:59:59 but how?[/COLOR]
Many thanks
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