I want to plot only subset of a dataset (with values between a lower and an upper threshold). To do so, I first plot all points and then delete the ones that don't match the specification:
Unfortunately, I could not figure how to delete this single point from a chart.
PS: I also posted the same problem, but with a different approach here:
I want to plot only subset of a dataset (with values between a lower and an upper threshold). To do so, I first plot all points and then delete the ones that don't match the specification:
With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1)
For j = .Points.Count To 1 Step -1
' point coordinates
dblX = ExecuteExcel4Macro("GET.CHART.ITEM(1,1,""S1P" & j & """)")
dblY = ExecuteExcel4Macro("GET.CHART.ITEM(2,1,""S1P" & j & """)")
' delete, if x-value does not match specifications
If dblX < dblLowerThres Or dblX > dblUpperThres Then
' delete point j
End If
End With
PS: I also posted the same problem, but with a different approach here: