Hi Guys and Gals - Been awhile since I've been to the site. I'm now experimenting with macros. I currently use a DOS based program to decrease or increase an account receivable. I would like to use a macro, to record repetitive key strokes. The macro I use is working but I would like to display the balance of the receiveable before I decrease it. Here is a sample of the coding:
Sub GeneralDecrease()
' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx text strings not relevent xxxx Recorder on 05-27-2011 07:57:28.66.
' xxxxxxxxxx'
' Use this macro to decrease a clm by any amount for any type of ANSI code.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim selectBill As String
Dim decreasePrincipal As String
Dim text As String
Dim text2 As String
Dim text3 As String
Const DIALOG_TITLE = "GeneralDecrease"
Dim LF As String ' Chr(rcLF) = Chr(10) = Control-J
Dim CR As String ' Chr(rcCR) = Chr(13) = Control-M
Dim ESC As String ' Chr(rcESC) = Chr(27) = Control-[
LF = Chr(Reflection2.ControlCodes.rcLF)
CR = Chr(Reflection2.ControlCodes.rcCR)
ESC = Chr(Reflection2.ControlCodes.rcESC)
selectBill = Session.InputBox$("Select BILL: ", DIALOG_TITLE)
If selectBill = "" Then Exit Sub
decreasePrincipal = Session.InputBox$("Decrease By", DIALOG_TITLE, "")
If decreasePrincipal = "" Then Exit Sub
I want the red text string to display either with the "decrease by" dialog or between "select bill" & "decrease by" during the macro's session.
Without a macro running, after the bill is selected, the program automatically displays the balance and the next "keystroke" is entering the desired $ amount. Thanks much -Oh and if this has been posted already, please guide me to it! -
Sub GeneralDecrease()
' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx text strings not relevent xxxx Recorder on 05-27-2011 07:57:28.66.
' xxxxxxxxxx'
' Use this macro to decrease a clm by any amount for any type of ANSI code.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim selectBill As String
Dim decreasePrincipal As String
Dim text As String
Dim text2 As String
Dim text3 As String
Const DIALOG_TITLE = "GeneralDecrease"
Dim LF As String ' Chr(rcLF) = Chr(10) = Control-J
Dim CR As String ' Chr(rcCR) = Chr(13) = Control-M
Dim ESC As String ' Chr(rcESC) = Chr(27) = Control-[
LF = Chr(Reflection2.ControlCodes.rcLF)
CR = Chr(Reflection2.ControlCodes.rcCR)
ESC = Chr(Reflection2.ControlCodes.rcESC)
selectBill = Session.InputBox$("Select BILL: ", DIALOG_TITLE)
If selectBill = "" Then Exit Sub
decreasePrincipal = Session.InputBox$("Decrease By", DIALOG_TITLE, "")
If decreasePrincipal = "" Then Exit Sub
I want the red text string to display either with the "decrease by" dialog or between "select bill" & "decrease by" during the macro's session.
Without a macro running, after the bill is selected, the program automatically displays the balance and the next "keystroke" is entering the desired $ amount. Thanks much -Oh and if this has been posted already, please guide me to it! -