Hello All;
Hoping someone can help me out with syntax. I'm trying to scan a range (by line) that will kick out if any error are present in the cells.
However the second part of the range isn't being accepted, I've tried using a comma as separator but that doesn't work either. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
Hoping someone can help me out with syntax. I'm trying to scan a range (by line) that will kick out if any error are present in the cells.
Rich (BB code):
For X = LR To 2 Step -1
If IsError(Range("CD" & X:"CP" & X).Value) Then
MsgBox "File contains errors, please address and retry CSV creation"
Range("CD" & X).Select
Exit Sub
end if
Next X
However the second part of the range isn't being accepted, I've tried using a comma as separator but that doesn't work either. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,