This code works beautifully when there is email addresses in the CC field, but when there is no value in the CC field than an error code 2295 pops up stating unknown message recipient.
I need help with what I think should be a conditional snippet: if Me.CC = " ", then Me.From only else Me.From and Me.CC.
Any help would be appreciated...
I need help with what I think should be a conditional snippet: if Me.CC = " ", then Me.From only else Me.From and Me.CC.
Private Sub EmailOriginator_Click()
DoCmd.SendObject _
, _
, _
, _
"""" & Me.From & """", _
"""" & Me.CC & """", _
, _
"COMPLETED: " & Me.ID & " " & Me.Subject, _
"SOS Comments: " & Me.CommentSOS & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "APSIA Comments: " & Me.CommentAPSIA & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Original Message: " & Me.Message & vbNewLine, _
Me.Status = "Closed"
End Sub
Any help would be appreciated...