Hello everybody, I've come with my second of three questions for the evening. This one involves formatting cells of text based on the number value in the cell below it. The higher the number, the larger I want the font, and the darker I want the color. If the number is zero, I want no change to the text.
If we have the following cells (please imagine this as 8 different cells)
the quick brown fox
0 1 3 2
we would get something to the effect of:
the quick brown fox
For the sake of my project, I need separate code for a red macro and a green macro. However, if the meat of the code is there I'm sure I can tweak it to fix the color scheme. Any help is greatly appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!!
If we have the following cells (please imagine this as 8 different cells)
the quick brown fox
0 1 3 2
we would get something to the effect of:
the quick brown fox
For the sake of my project, I need separate code for a red macro and a green macro. However, if the meat of the code is there I'm sure I can tweak it to fix the color scheme. Any help is greatly appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!!