i have a 2003 excel template where data has been brought in from 2007 via copy and paste into certain cells. it has then been saved into 97-2003. i have then sent it onto someone who has only got excel 2003. when they open it, it shows up as error messages and says something about data to large or something maybe already open. when you click okay it open the document saying something about repairing failed and puts the document in a wierd format and added squares but still has some original writing and all the sheets have lot colours and boxes. when i went onto two computers in my office that have only 2003 excel, one opens it fine with no issue and the other does the same. i have tried alsorts to try and find the problem. i have even downloaded the 2003 converter just incase it was something to do with 2007 but still didnt open. my only thoughts was it maybe a) because data has been copied and pasted from 2007. b)formulas may cause the problem as 2007 formulas but they are basic formulas. it still doesnt explain why it wont open on some but some how opened on a computer in 2003. if anyone has any suggestions it would be really appreciated. thanks