Ill get shot for this commint im sure of that, Win98 [any version] is not designed for XP??? regardless, I use evidence to defend my self from some who will distroy me for this Microsoft do not support Win98 and do XP win or Office, so its a conflict of intrests and some Excel issues are Windows related, nowdays everyone love printdrivers these are linked into the print manager thats windows not Excel!!!
This as far as im conserned if you have techi issues in excel or windows, it kinda like fuling you car leaded when it wants un leaded.
Fix reduce office level to 97 which is correct or up grade windows to XP [i do not suggest HOME version it is shocking] but FULL pro edition about #279 GPB or $400 but in US this wil be cheaper.
Or match whats best, 97 and any to Xp are fine and i use the all, no real benefit bar the latest.
XP office is now also patched by SP1 nad new SP2 and there are about 30 odd semi patches, if you have loaded any of these you looking for trouble and they link in Win [so im told]
The PC spec should be fine, XP will run better as a windows version that 98 which i say was a discrace of an opperatiog system to start with, ME is even worst!
Let me know if you need more - or Jack will go on and on and on.
Listing 100 possibles if thats needed i dont feel will help you are breaking the copmpatability, if you snip a fix, i asure you even of the system is the best in the world you have further issues very soon
Sorry to post like this but i know i right. and i have never EVER told some one to upgrade or spend moneys, not my style, thus my reference to downgrade.....