I have two columns of data with 50 numbers each ranging between 0 and 100 randomly placed in each column. i want to work out the average of each column but also I would like a command that says "if the second column contains a row number greater than 50, then exclude the entire row across the two columns" when caluclating the average. i.e if B2 = 67, then exclude A2 and B2 when working out the average of column A and B.
I have two columns of data with 50 numbers each ranging between 0 and 100 randomly placed in each column. i want to work out the average of each column but also I would like a command that says "if the second column contains a row number greater than 50, then exclude the entire row across the two columns" when caluclating the average. i.e if B2 = 67, then exclude A2 and B2 when working out the average of column A and B.