Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(1, 2) = txtTitle.Text 'Prints the text in the Title column'
This code goes to a text box on a form and it prints whatever I type in the text box directly into the first blank row in the second column. I found this code on this site, but I would like to understand it better as to what it is actually doing especially what the .End(xlUp) part is? If you have any knowledge about this it would be much appreciated. Thank you ahead of time
This code goes to a text box on a form and it prints whatever I type in the text box directly into the first blank row in the second column. I found this code on this site, but I would like to understand it better as to what it is actually doing especially what the .End(xlUp) part is? If you have any knowledge about this it would be much appreciated. Thank you ahead of time