Sub CopyLinkedFiles()
' Copies Hyperlinked Files
' Tweedle
'---Requires Reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'-----IDE Menu Tools / References: Check the Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Dim aws As Worksheet
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject 'Creates an instance of FSO
Dim oFile As File
Dim hl As Hyperlink
Dim targetPath$
'Where files are copied to
targetPath$ = "H:\Temp\" 'UPDATE as needed
'Sets the worksheet to work with
Set aws = ActiveSheet
'Alternate Forms
'Set aws = Sheets(1)
'Set aws = Sheets("FileList")
'Loop through Hyperlinks of the sheet
For Each hl In aws.Hyperlinks
'Identify the cell in which the Hyperlink resides
Set C = Range(hl.Range.Address)
'Test that it is not filtered
If C.Rows(1).RowHeight > 0 Then
'Set the File object, then
Set oFile = fso.GetFile(hl.Address)
'use the File object to copy the file
oFile.Copy targetPath$, [U]OverWriteFiles:=True[/U]
End If
Next hl
End Sub