1 abc klm-sometext
2 def nop-sometext
3 ghi def-sometext
4 klm
5 nop ghi-sometext
6 abc-sometext
i want a macro , so that when it is run,
it matches the value in column A with value in Column C
and update the same in Column B
For example the macro should find
A1 Value = abc with C6 Value= abc-sometext
and update
B1 value as = abc-sometext
So after running the macro
the excel sheet should look like this
1 abc abc-sometext klm-sometext
2 def def-sometext nop-sometext
3 ghi ghi-sometext def-sometext
4 klm klm-sometext
5 nop nop-sometext ghi-sometext
6 abc-sometext