I have a table of data as shown below. Column A is the label for the task (could be letters or numbers). The tasks are not necessarily listed in any order. Columns B-E are used to identify the tasks that are immediate predecessors of the task in that row (limited to 4 in this example). Columns F-J need to identify the tasks which are successors. The number of columns would be fixed, but equal to the number of tasks less 1 – since all of the tasks except the last. Or maybe it could be done with the number of tasks less 2, since atask cannot follow itself. Hmmm… in any event, here’s the table:
4__d__b__ c
6__ f__e
The answers in this case (one label per column) would be
Row 1: b,c
Row 2: d
Row 3: d
Row 4: e
Row 5: f
Any suggestions for what the formulas in F1 through J5 would need to be to return the labels of the successors?
Thanks for any help!
4__d__b__ c
6__ f__e
The answers in this case (one label per column) would be
Row 1: b,c
Row 2: d
Row 3: d
Row 4: e
Row 5: f
Any suggestions for what the formulas in F1 through J5 would need to be to return the labels of the successors?
Thanks for any help!