The below code works perfectly to copy range in particular named worksheet with ThisWorkbook with Coding with reference of thisworkbook and Copying range in .Xlsm File
But when Workbook is changed with File extension .Xlsx i get No Data at all.
Did i miss on defining the range for another workbook.worksheet. If yes then please help me to correct the syntax to define the range
For Next Loop where Destination Sheet Range needs to be displayed unfortunately no data Displayed
The below code works perfectly to copy range in particular named worksheet with ThisWorkbook with Coding with reference of thisworkbook and Copying range in .Xlsm File
But when Workbook is changed with File extension .Xlsx i get No Data at all.
Did i miss on defining the range for another workbook.worksheet. If yes then please help me to correct the syntax to define the range
For Next Loop where Destination Sheet Range needs to be displayed unfortunately no data Displayed
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Public wrkBkMainSource As Excel.Workbook
Public wksMainSource As Excel.Worksheet, wksDestination As Excel.Worksheet
Public rngCellSource As Range
Public RangeSource As Range, lastRow As Long
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set wrkBkMainSource = Workbooks.Open("C:\ABC\Cars.xlsx")
Set wksMainSource = wrkBkMainSource.Sheets("MasterDetails")
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call CopyRowsToParticularSheet("Japanese Cars", "Toyota")
End Sub
Public Sub CopyRowsToParticularSheet(ParticularSheet As String, rngSearchText As String)
Dim rngCellSource As Range, RangeSource As Range
Dim lngDestinRow As Long
Dim j As Integer, i As Long
With wksMainSource
Set RangeSource = .Range(.Cells(2, 3), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp))
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
End With
If Not sheet_exists(ParticularSheet) Then
wrkBkMainSource.Sheets.Add( _
after:=wrkBkMainSource.Sheets(wrkBkMainSource.Sheets.Count)).Name = _
Set wksDestination = wrkBkMainSource.Worksheets(ParticularSheet)
With wksDestination
.Range("A1:J1").Font.Bold = True
.Range("E:E").NumberFormat = "@"
.Range("A1:J" & lastRow).Rows.AutoFit
.Range("A1:J" & lastRow).VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.Range("A1:J" & lastRow).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
lngDestinRow = 1
For Each rngCellSource In RangeSource
If rngCellSource.Value = rngSearchText Then
lngDestinRow = lngDestinRow + 1
.Cells(lngDestinRow, "A").EntireRow = rngCellSource.EntireRow.Value
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
Public Function sheet_exists(strFileName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo eHandle
Set wksMainSource = Workbooks("C:\ABC\Cars.xlsx").Worksheets(strFileName)
sheet_exists = True
Exit Function
sheet_exists = False
End Function