I would like to dedicate this post to Terry "MANHATTON" Hatton Res1cue New York
Remember rather that using the normal forms tool bar, which Jack say in Terry Hattons words is TOTALLY UN EXCEPTABLE, try any image, text box, JPG, whatever build your own in drawing toolbars
ITS fun and different and link the scripted code to that image.
I use alsorts of images and boxes and all forts, its such fun.
On a down sad note
as late i have a JPG of Terry Hatton and many EMS crews from the World Trade Center desister.
Proves a point Terry Captin of Rescue 1 the link is in the lounge, was to days report.
Different a guys face in resuce gear!! but my work was second to him.
I have gifs of fire lines and so on i add as graphics, its RESPECT!!