My name is Charles and my work is pretty much related to websites. So here is the thing, I have a lot of URL's to look into. For each of the URL it will put me on a comparison site - here is an example of the url Amazon.com: alienware - Computers & Accessories: Electronics
In that URL I need to get the information of how many results were shown. In here there are 17957 results for this keyword.
My file should look something like this:
A1 A2
URL 17957
URL 20
URL 8123
So the steps should something be like:
1. Opens a new IE
2. Gets the first URL
3. Searches through the IE
4. Gets the number of results
5. Pasting the number of results right beside the URL
6. Then proceed to the next until no more URL is available
Would really appreciate comments and suggestions for this.
Thank you very much in advance!
My name is Charles and my work is pretty much related to websites. So here is the thing, I have a lot of URL's to look into. For each of the URL it will put me on a comparison site - here is an example of the url Amazon.com: alienware - Computers & Accessories: Electronics
In that URL I need to get the information of how many results were shown. In here there are 17957 results for this keyword.
My file should look something like this:
A1 A2
URL 17957
URL 20
URL 8123
So the steps should something be like:
1. Opens a new IE
2. Gets the first URL
3. Searches through the IE
4. Gets the number of results
5. Pasting the number of results right beside the URL
6. Then proceed to the next until no more URL is available
Would really appreciate comments and suggestions for this.
Thank you very much in advance!