I am trying to set up this workbook so that it will automatically compress all of the pictures in the workbook before saving. Since I have Excel 2003, I can't just simply do it as a macro and have to set it up using SendKeys.
In addition to that, it is already set up so that as soon as the original workbook is opened as read-only, it brings up an input box to enter the job number, and then automatically saves the workbook as "number teardown.xls" in a specified folder.
Now here is the issue. When I first open the workbook as read-only it saves it correctly, but then the Compress Pictures dialogue box pops up which I do not want (want it to basically stay hidden). Once the original is saved, it works correctly there-after. But on the initial save it keeps popping the box up and won't continue without making a selection. I've also tried applying a "wait" and it seems to just wait longer before making the box pop up.
Here is the Before Save Code:
And in-case you need it, here is the BeforeOpen code:
Thanks in advance.
In addition to that, it is already set up so that as soon as the original workbook is opened as read-only, it brings up an input box to enter the job number, and then automatically saves the workbook as "number teardown.xls" in a specified folder.
Now here is the issue. When I first open the workbook as read-only it saves it correctly, but then the Compress Pictures dialogue box pops up which I do not want (want it to basically stay hidden). Once the original is saved, it works correctly there-after. But on the initial save it keeps popping the box up and won't continue without making a selection. I've also tried applying a "wait" and it seems to just wait longer before making the box pop up.
Here is the Before Save Code:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Application.Run "SequentiallyNumberVisiblePagesOnly"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
Const TopLeft As String = "A1"
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Application.Goto Sheet.Range(TopLeft), Scroll:=True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Dim octl As CommandBarControl
With Selection
Set octl = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=6382)
Application.SendKeys "%e~"
Application.SendKeys "%a~"
Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
End With
End Sub
And in-case you need it, here is the BeforeOpen code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Sheets("Home").ToggleButton1.Value = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Sheets
If ws.Visible Then ws.Select (False)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
If ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly = True Then GoTo 1
If ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly = False Then GoTo 2
1: Response = Application.InputBox("Enter Job Number", "Save-As", vbOKOnly)
Sheets("Home").Range("C39") = Response
If Response = False Then
MsgBox "You have cancelled Save-As." & vbNewLine & " Report was not saved!"
Sheets("Home").Range("C39") = ""
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo Error
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="S:\SERVICE\Shop Teardown Reports\" & Response & " teardown.xls"
2: Exit Sub
Error: Resume 1
End Sub
Thanks in advance.