Hi All VBA Experts,
I have a question. We are using lotus notes and use a workbook with different sheets in it that represents spend for each state and city. Now I need a macro that I can have on the main summary page so that when I click, it send individual worksheets out to email adress in cells A1 as attachment. At the same time I need the body of email to be what is in from cells B123 to B150. Below is my requirment:
1) One marco in a workbook to send different worksheets out to different email adresses in A1 of individual worksheet.
2) In CC: filed I want a different email adress
3) IN subject, the wording should be what is in cell B3 of individual sheet
3) The body of the email needs to be the same wording as what is in the range mentioned above.
As of now, I am using the below macro for a different scenario that was provided to be by one of the experts here:
what the below macro does is:
1) Send an email out to the adress in B195
2) IN cc field it copies the address from B196
3) IN subject it copies from B197
and the body is from B198 to B209.
Now can anyone let me know how to modilfy it to accomodate my current requirments....also it would be good if you can advice me how to send it straight without looking at it in lotus notes....
sub Send_Excel_Cell_Content_To_Lotus_Notes()
'This macro does the following:
' A. Confirmed working on Excel 2003
' B. Opens Lotus Notes 6.5 or 7
' C. Opens a new memo message
' D. Copies data from the excel spreadsheet, email addresses, subject, and body
' E. Pastes this data as TEXT into the email
' F. If a user has auto signature already configured in lotus notes, this is preserved (either html or text)
Dim Notes As Object
Dim Maildb As Object
Dim WorkSpace As Object
Dim UIdoc As Object
Dim UserName As String
Dim MailDbName As String
Set Notes = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
UserName = Notes.UserName
MailDbName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
Set Maildb = Notes.GetDataBase(vbNullString, MailDbName)
Set WorkSpace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
Call WorkSpace.ComposeDocument(, , "Memo")
Set UIdoc = WorkSpace.CurrentDocument
'If cells are null, such as email address, cc, etc, then ignore and dont paste into email
On Error Resume Next
'Copy the email address from cell B2 into the TO: field in Lotus Notes
'Note: Addresses in this cell should be separated by a semicolon.
'Please change your current sheet's name from Sheet1 to your sheet's name
Recipient = Sheets("Alerts").Range("B195").Value
Call UIdoc.FieldSetText("EnterSendTo", Recipient)
'Copy the email address from cell B3 into the CC: field in Lotus Notes
'Note: Addresses in this cell should be separated by a semicolon
ccRecipient = Sheets("Alerts").Range("B196").Value
Call UIdoc.FieldSetText("EnterCopyTo", ccRecipient)
'Copy the subject from cell B4 into the SUBJECT: field in Lotus Notes
Subject1 = Sheets("Alerts").Range("B197").Value
Call UIdoc.FieldSetText("Subject", Subject1)
'Copy the cells in the range (one column going down) into the BODY in Lotus Notes.
'You must set the last cell B9 to one cell below the range you wish to copy.
Call UIdoc.GotoField("Body")
Body1 = Replace(Join(Application.Transpose(Range([B198], [B209].End(3))), "@") & "@@Thank you,", "@", vbCrLf)
Call UIdoc.InsertText(Body1)
'Insert some carriage returns at the end of the email
Call UIdoc.InsertText(vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set UIdoc = Nothing: Set WorkSpace = Nothing
Set Maildb = Nothing: Set Notes = Nothing
Set Body = Nothing
MsgBox ("Please check the New Memo Tab in your Lotus Notes")
End Sub
I have a question. We are using lotus notes and use a workbook with different sheets in it that represents spend for each state and city. Now I need a macro that I can have on the main summary page so that when I click, it send individual worksheets out to email adress in cells A1 as attachment. At the same time I need the body of email to be what is in from cells B123 to B150. Below is my requirment:
1) One marco in a workbook to send different worksheets out to different email adresses in A1 of individual worksheet.
2) In CC: filed I want a different email adress
3) IN subject, the wording should be what is in cell B3 of individual sheet
3) The body of the email needs to be the same wording as what is in the range mentioned above.
As of now, I am using the below macro for a different scenario that was provided to be by one of the experts here:
what the below macro does is:
1) Send an email out to the adress in B195
2) IN cc field it copies the address from B196
3) IN subject it copies from B197
and the body is from B198 to B209.
Now can anyone let me know how to modilfy it to accomodate my current requirments....also it would be good if you can advice me how to send it straight without looking at it in lotus notes....
sub Send_Excel_Cell_Content_To_Lotus_Notes()
'This macro does the following:
' A. Confirmed working on Excel 2003
' B. Opens Lotus Notes 6.5 or 7
' C. Opens a new memo message
' D. Copies data from the excel spreadsheet, email addresses, subject, and body
' E. Pastes this data as TEXT into the email
' F. If a user has auto signature already configured in lotus notes, this is preserved (either html or text)
Dim Notes As Object
Dim Maildb As Object
Dim WorkSpace As Object
Dim UIdoc As Object
Dim UserName As String
Dim MailDbName As String
Set Notes = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
UserName = Notes.UserName
MailDbName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
Set Maildb = Notes.GetDataBase(vbNullString, MailDbName)
Set WorkSpace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
Call WorkSpace.ComposeDocument(, , "Memo")
Set UIdoc = WorkSpace.CurrentDocument
'If cells are null, such as email address, cc, etc, then ignore and dont paste into email
On Error Resume Next
'Copy the email address from cell B2 into the TO: field in Lotus Notes
'Note: Addresses in this cell should be separated by a semicolon.
'Please change your current sheet's name from Sheet1 to your sheet's name
Recipient = Sheets("Alerts").Range("B195").Value
Call UIdoc.FieldSetText("EnterSendTo", Recipient)
'Copy the email address from cell B3 into the CC: field in Lotus Notes
'Note: Addresses in this cell should be separated by a semicolon
ccRecipient = Sheets("Alerts").Range("B196").Value
Call UIdoc.FieldSetText("EnterCopyTo", ccRecipient)
'Copy the subject from cell B4 into the SUBJECT: field in Lotus Notes
Subject1 = Sheets("Alerts").Range("B197").Value
Call UIdoc.FieldSetText("Subject", Subject1)
'Copy the cells in the range (one column going down) into the BODY in Lotus Notes.
'You must set the last cell B9 to one cell below the range you wish to copy.
Call UIdoc.GotoField("Body")
Body1 = Replace(Join(Application.Transpose(Range([B198], [B209].End(3))), "@") & "@@Thank you,", "@", vbCrLf)
Call UIdoc.InsertText(Body1)
'Insert some carriage returns at the end of the email
Call UIdoc.InsertText(vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set UIdoc = Nothing: Set WorkSpace = Nothing
Set Maildb = Nothing: Set Notes = Nothing
Set Body = Nothing
MsgBox ("Please check the New Memo Tab in your Lotus Notes")
End Sub
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