A total novice here that needs some help if possible.
I have a macro that needs a little tweaking. I originally paid for someone to write the macro but it has now stopped pulling data from one worksheet to another.
Basically I have two sheets in my workbook, one is called 'table' and one 'data' The data sheet is looking up data from the table sheet. It has been fine up until now but for some reason when I input a new row in the 'table' sheet it is just not being picked up in the 'data' sheet, it stops after row 100.
The data in the table cell starts at A1 and the last cell with any data will be D200
I have googled it but having absolutely no programming experience I do not understand it.
Am sure it is so simple to do and would probably take seconds for someone who knows what they are doing!
Here is the code:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there are any questions despite having absolutely zero knowledge on the subject I will try to answer them as well as I can
Many thanks
A total novice here that needs some help if possible.
I have a macro that needs a little tweaking. I originally paid for someone to write the macro but it has now stopped pulling data from one worksheet to another.
Basically I have two sheets in my workbook, one is called 'table' and one 'data' The data sheet is looking up data from the table sheet. It has been fine up until now but for some reason when I input a new row in the 'table' sheet it is just not being picked up in the 'data' sheet, it stops after row 100.
The data in the table cell starts at A1 and the last cell with any data will be D200
I have googled it but having absolutely no programming experience I do not understand it.
Am sure it is so simple to do and would probably take seconds for someone who knows what they are doing!
Here is the code:
VBA Code:
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim wsTable As Worksheet
Dim lastRowTable As Long
Dim lookupValue As Variant
Dim updateValueB As Variant
Dim updateValueC As Variant
Dim updateValueD As Variant
Dim changedCell As Range
Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")
Set wsTable = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Table")
lastRowTable = wsTable.Cells(wsTable.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
If Not Intersect(Target, wsData.Columns("D")) Is Nothing And Target.Value <> "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each changedCell In Target
lookupValue = changedCell.Value
Dim lookupRange As Range
Set lookupRange = wsTable.Range("A1:A" & lastRowTable)
Dim cell As Range
Set cell = lookupRange.Find(lookupValue, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not cell Is Nothing Then
updateValueB = wsTable.Cells(cell.Row, "B").Value
updateValueC = wsTable.Cells(cell.Row, "C").Value
updateValueD = wsTable.Cells(cell.Row, "D").Value
wsData.Cells(changedCell.Row, "G").Value = updateValueB
wsData.Cells(changedCell.Row, "H").Value = updateValueC
wsData.Cells(changedCell.Row, "J").Value = updateValueD
End If
Next changedCell
Application.EnableEvents = True
ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, wsData.Columns("D")) Is Nothing And Target.Value = "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each changedCell In Target
wsData.Cells(changedCell.Row, "G").ClearContents
wsData.Cells(changedCell.Row, "H").ClearContents
wsData.Cells(changedCell.Row, "J").ClearContents
Next changedCell
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there are any questions despite having absolutely zero knowledge on the subject I will try to answer them as well as I can

Many thanks
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