Hi There,
I copy information from one report to the other. The first report (A), I use as my case work tracker and have a lot of information on. But only copy few details of each case to the other workbook (B) i.e. a shared workbook used by the rest of the team on a share drive. When I copy data from one sheet to the other I simply want to auto populate the serial number of corresponding to each client's name.
Basically when I copy the case data to from, A to B a lot of details get copied on to B (including the client name column). Now what I need to autopopulate in A is the serial number corresponding to that client's name in B.
I haven't gotten this far yet, but there are instances where we may have serviced the client recently, so their name may be repeated in 'A' a few times. In that case I would only need the latest serial number from B when I paste the details of their case there from A.
I need help with the Vlookup formula to do this as my amateur skills only returned a N/A error that got me frustrated. Clearly i'm doing something wrong!
here's the formula - =VLOOKUP(D75;'[CPH RELO Reporting 2014.xlsx]IMMIG -Fragomen '!$A$3:$F$202;1;FALSE)
Thank you.
I copy information from one report to the other. The first report (A), I use as my case work tracker and have a lot of information on. But only copy few details of each case to the other workbook (B) i.e. a shared workbook used by the rest of the team on a share drive. When I copy data from one sheet to the other I simply want to auto populate the serial number of corresponding to each client's name.
Basically when I copy the case data to from, A to B a lot of details get copied on to B (including the client name column). Now what I need to autopopulate in A is the serial number corresponding to that client's name in B.
I haven't gotten this far yet, but there are instances where we may have serviced the client recently, so their name may be repeated in 'A' a few times. In that case I would only need the latest serial number from B when I paste the details of their case there from A.
I need help with the Vlookup formula to do this as my amateur skills only returned a N/A error that got me frustrated. Clearly i'm doing something wrong!
here's the formula - =VLOOKUP(D75;'[CPH RELO Reporting 2014.xlsx]IMMIG -Fragomen '!$A$3:$F$202;1;FALSE)
Thank you.