Right now this code first pastes into the target sheet ROW 2, What changes this to ROW 3? Thanks
Thanks for the help!
Sub BreakoutReDux()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets(2)
TrackCol = 7 ' Use this to set the tracking column as you like.
'Set up a tracking column
Cells(2, TrackCol) = "Status"
'Determine how many rows of data we have
lastrow = Range("A32000").End(xlUp).Row
lastpostedrow = Cells(32000, TrackCol).End(xlUp).Row
'Got back to the primary-sheet2
'Start looping through rows and copy to target sheet
For RowIdx = lastpostedrow + 1 To lastrow
Range("A" & RowIdx).Select
'Only copy if col A is a value > 0, else skip it
If Range("A" & RowIdx).Value > 0 Then
tgtsht = Asc(UCase(Range("A" & RowIdx).Value)) - 62
tgtRow = Sheets(tgtsht).Range("A30000").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range("A" & RowIdx).Offset(0, 1).Copy 'Sheets(tgtsht).Range("A" & tgtRow)
Sheets(tgtsht).Range("A" & tgtRow).PasteSpecial (x1PasteValues)
Range("A" & RowIdx).Offset(0, 2).Copy 'Sheets(tgtsht).Range("B" & tgtRow)
Sheets(tgtsht).Range("B" & tgtRow).PasteSpecial (x1PasteValues)
Range("A" & RowIdx).Offset(0, 3).Copy 'Sheets(tgtsht).Range("C" & tgtRow)
Sheets(tgtsht).Range("C" & tgtRow).PasteSpecial (x1PasteValues)
Range("A" & RowIdx).Offset(0, 4).Copy 'Sheets(tgtsht).Range("D" & tgtRow)
Sheets(tgtsht).Range("D" & tgtRow).PasteSpecial (x1PasteValues)
Range("A" & RowIdx).Offset(0, TrackCol - 1) = "Posted"
Else 'skip it and indicate as such
ws.Range("A" & RowIdx).Offset(0, TrackCol - 1) = "Skipped"
End If
Next RowIdx
'Go back to the first sheet
Set ws = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Thanks for the help!