I have two spreadsheets and on the second sheet I am have a ranking from the first sheet("Season Stats"). I have a ranking of values (column B) (which start with the largest and list the top 5 going down the column ) and I have the name which corresponds to that ranking fill in next to that cell (column A). I am using the following formulas:
Column A-=INDEX('Season Stats'!B2:B18,MATCH(B5,'Season Stats'!D2:D22,0))
Column B-=LARGE('Season Stats'!D2:D22,1)
This works fine except for when Column B returns more than one value of the same number. (Ex. 7,4,4,3,2) If this is the case then Column A lists the same person each time with the same value, even though more than one person has the same value. Is there any way to modify my column A formula to list each person (in consecutive cells down the column) who have that same value? I will give an example of what is showing up:
Column A Column B What I want Column A to show
John 3 John
John 3 Scott
John 3 Joe
Sam 1 Sam
Sam 1 Matt
John, Scott, and Joe all have a value of 3 and Sam and Matt each have a value of 1. How can I distinguish who which value goes with each name? I hope this makes sense. Thanks for your help.
Column A-=INDEX('Season Stats'!B2:B18,MATCH(B5,'Season Stats'!D2:D22,0))
Column B-=LARGE('Season Stats'!D2:D22,1)
This works fine except for when Column B returns more than one value of the same number. (Ex. 7,4,4,3,2) If this is the case then Column A lists the same person each time with the same value, even though more than one person has the same value. Is there any way to modify my column A formula to list each person (in consecutive cells down the column) who have that same value? I will give an example of what is showing up:
Column A Column B What I want Column A to show
John 3 John
John 3 Scott
John 3 Joe
Sam 1 Sam
Sam 1 Matt
John, Scott, and Joe all have a value of 3 and Sam and Matt each have a value of 1. How can I distinguish who which value goes with each name? I hope this makes sense. Thanks for your help.