Hi there,
I have time stamps and acceleration data recorded from a trip in car. I'm analyzing the data every 10 seconds, so I have split the data up into 10 second intervals and compute a variety of parameters such as max, min average etc. However I also want to get the standard deviation of each 10 second segment for positive acceleration and negative acceleration(deceleration). I do this by filtering the rows to only display positive and negative values and then compute the standard deviation. It works fine when both acceleration and deceleration occur in a segment and the values computed are correct.
A problem arises though when the program tries to calculate the standard deviation of deceleration of a segment when only positive acceleration has occurred in the entire 10 second segment because when you filter the cells there a no cells left (because they were all positive). Then you get an error saying "There are no cells".
I put in the line "On Error resume next" to just continue with the program hoping that it would leave the box blank or give the #DIV/0! error.
However its not doing that and instead is outputting a random value which makes no sense. How could it produce a value if there are no cells to compute?
Would anybody know whats going on?
I have time stamps and acceleration data recorded from a trip in car. I'm analyzing the data every 10 seconds, so I have split the data up into 10 second intervals and compute a variety of parameters such as max, min average etc. However I also want to get the standard deviation of each 10 second segment for positive acceleration and negative acceleration(deceleration). I do this by filtering the rows to only display positive and negative values and then compute the standard deviation. It works fine when both acceleration and deceleration occur in a segment and the values computed are correct.
A problem arises though when the program tries to calculate the standard deviation of deceleration of a segment when only positive acceleration has occurred in the entire 10 second segment because when you filter the cells there a no cells left (because they were all positive). Then you get an error saying "There are no cells".
I put in the line "On Error resume next" to just continue with the program hoping that it would leave the box blank or give the #DIV/0! error.
However its not doing that and instead is outputting a random value which makes no sense. How could it produce a value if there are no cells to compute?
Would anybody know whats going on?
'Standard deviation Acceleration
With ActiveSheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
.Range("a1:j1").AutoFilter field:=7, Criteria1:=">0" 'only display cases of acc
End With
StandardDevAcc = Application.StDev(Worksheets("raw").Range(Cells(sp, 7), Cells(ep, 7)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible))
On Error Resume Next
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 16).Value = StandardDevAcc
'Standard deviation Deccceleration
With ActiveSheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
.Range("a1:j1").AutoFilter field:=7, Criteria1:="<0" 'only display cases of deacc
End With
StandardDevDeacc = Application.StDev(Worksheets("raw").Range(Cells(sp, 7), Cells(ep, 7)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible))
On Error Resume Next
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 17).Value = StandardDevDeacc
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