Hi All-
I am looking for your advice on why this setting vba code below is not working. The error is on the last line where I am trying to set 'Custom' as a range. Please note I have omitted non-relevant vba code:
Again, many thanks for your prompt guidance!
I am looking for your advice on why this setting vba code below is not working. The error is on the last line where I am trying to set 'Custom' as a range. Please note I have omitted non-relevant vba code:
Sheets("Future NBV").Activate
Dim NBVColumn As Long
NBVColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Dim NBVRow As Long
NBVRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Sheets("Macro Workspace").Activate
Dim Custom As Range
Custom = Range(Cells(NBVRow, NBVColumn))
Again, many thanks for your prompt guidance!