How can we use the Text's Weekly Montly Quarterly and Yearly to calculate and show a date for our new Maintenance. For example if our Date is 11/11/05 and we ad the Text Monthly we should have as our NEW date of Maintenance 12/11/05. We are trying to use the Text's in a list as well.
Cell A1 11/11/05
Cell A2 (list of text ie Weekly, Monthly, quarterly Yearly)
Cell A3 The result shown in ddmmyyyy format
So far we have Define the Text as Numerical values but end up with Errors when using the A3 =SUM(A2+A1) formula
Thanks for any help
Cell A1 11/11/05
Cell A2 (list of text ie Weekly, Monthly, quarterly Yearly)
Cell A3 The result shown in ddmmyyyy format
So far we have Define the Text as Numerical values but end up with Errors when using the A3 =SUM(A2+A1) formula
Thanks for any help