=IF('Criteria Selection & Pivots'!$B$38='Criteria Selection & Pivots'!$B$9,'Criteria Selection & Pivots'!$B$38,"Error")
Can you explain how it is not working? eg No colour shows when the cell is zero. Or the cell is coloured whatever its value. etcIt tried it but it's not working.
Can you tell us what cell it is (eg B4)?I have a IF Function in the cell i need to highlight, and it doesn't seem to work with that. I trien the same with a cell with no IF function and it worked normally.
OK, so the 0 is actually "0" which makes it text not a number. You should be able to go right back to MarkAndrews' first suggestion of Conditional Format with Cell Value|Is equal to|="0" and set your colour.Here is the formula: