I need to get excel to sort the names i have in a selection of cells horizontally. The current worksheet has 10 columns but can have an unknown number of rows. For example (i will keep it limited to 5 columns).
agroup, bgroup, cgroup, dgroup, fgroup
hgroup, igroup, jgroup, kgroup, lgroup,
mgroup, egroup, ggroup
should come out as:
agroup, bgroup, cgroup, dgroup, egroup
fgroup, ggroup, hgroup, igroup, jgroup
kgroup, lgroup, mgroup
I appreciate any help you can provide on this. Thanks in advance.
agroup, bgroup, cgroup, dgroup, fgroup
hgroup, igroup, jgroup, kgroup, lgroup,
mgroup, egroup, ggroup
should come out as:
agroup, bgroup, cgroup, dgroup, egroup
fgroup, ggroup, hgroup, igroup, jgroup
kgroup, lgroup, mgroup
I appreciate any help you can provide on this. Thanks in advance.