Say I have rows of people and their school, it can change over time, so I have many rows for each person, each with a start and end date...
ID Start Date End Date School
Mike 1/1/10 5/1/10 OSU
Mike 5/2/10 12/31/9999 PSU
Tom 1/1/10 4/1/10 OSU
Tom 4/2/10 6/30/10 OSU
Tom 7/1/10 5/1/10 OSU
Tom 5/2/10 12/31/9999 PSU
Bob 1/1/10 4/1/10 OSU
Bob 4/2/10 6/30/10 OSU
Bob 7/1/10 9/6/10 OSU
Bob 9/7/10 12/31/9999 OSU
What's the best way to turn multiple rows of data into just the start and end dates for the school and name combination?
So I want in the end...
Mike 1/1/10 5/1/10 OSU
Mike 5/2/10 12/31/9999 PSU
Tom 1/1/10 5/1/10 OSU
Tom 5/2/10 12/31/9999 PSU
Bob 1/1/10 12/31/9999 OSU
ID Start Date End Date School
Mike 1/1/10 5/1/10 OSU
Mike 5/2/10 12/31/9999 PSU
Tom 1/1/10 4/1/10 OSU
Tom 4/2/10 6/30/10 OSU
Tom 7/1/10 5/1/10 OSU
Tom 5/2/10 12/31/9999 PSU
Bob 1/1/10 4/1/10 OSU
Bob 4/2/10 6/30/10 OSU
Bob 7/1/10 9/6/10 OSU
Bob 9/7/10 12/31/9999 OSU
What's the best way to turn multiple rows of data into just the start and end dates for the school and name combination?
So I want in the end...
Mike 1/1/10 5/1/10 OSU
Mike 5/2/10 12/31/9999 PSU
Tom 1/1/10 5/1/10 OSU
Tom 5/2/10 12/31/9999 PSU
Bob 1/1/10 12/31/9999 OSU