Hello, I am trying to obtain the correct results using the exact technique as stated below.
From J24 downwards I have numbered values going from max to min, from K24 I have the number of counts for each value in J24.
The Method is :
1) Sum up the total number of counts from J24. Output this result in O11.
2) Take 68% or 70% of this total number of counts and output this count result to P11, the percent value is typed into Q11 and this percent value value can change.
3) Identify the Modal Value cell address which is already calculated by a formula in cell E4.
4) Add The counts of the 2 numbers above and 2 below the modal value, meaning add the counts of the 2 numbers above the modal value then add the counts of the 2 numbers below the modal value.
5) The counts of the pair of numbers with the greater number should be added to the counts of the modal value.
We continue this procedure until the total number of counts reaches the percentage value stated in point number 2.
Here is an example with the expected result :
# C
1083 1
1082 2
1081 2
1080 4
1079 4
1078 4
1077 4
1076 5
1075 7
1074 9
1073 11
1072 10
1071 10
1070 9
1069 9
1068 8
1067 6
1066 6
1065 3
1064 3
1063 3
1062 2
1061 2
1060 2
1059 2
1058 2
1048 1
Total Counts = 131
70% of total counts = 91.7
Counts of the modal Value = 11
Pair counts : 11 + 20 + 18 + 16 + 14 + 9 + 6 = 94
Upper limit number: 1080
Lower limit number: 1074
Hope someone can help me out in this.
From J24 downwards I have numbered values going from max to min, from K24 I have the number of counts for each value in J24.
The Method is :
1) Sum up the total number of counts from J24. Output this result in O11.
2) Take 68% or 70% of this total number of counts and output this count result to P11, the percent value is typed into Q11 and this percent value value can change.
3) Identify the Modal Value cell address which is already calculated by a formula in cell E4.
4) Add The counts of the 2 numbers above and 2 below the modal value, meaning add the counts of the 2 numbers above the modal value then add the counts of the 2 numbers below the modal value.
5) The counts of the pair of numbers with the greater number should be added to the counts of the modal value.
We continue this procedure until the total number of counts reaches the percentage value stated in point number 2.
Here is an example with the expected result :
# C
1083 1
1082 2
1081 2
1080 4
1079 4
1078 4
1077 4
1076 5
1075 7
1074 9
1073 11
1072 10
1071 10
1070 9
1069 9
1068 8
1067 6
1066 6
1065 3
1064 3
1063 3
1062 2
1061 2
1060 2
1059 2
1058 2
1048 1
Total Counts = 131
70% of total counts = 91.7
Counts of the modal Value = 11
Pair counts : 11 + 20 + 18 + 16 + 14 + 9 + 6 = 94
Upper limit number: 1080
Lower limit number: 1074
Hope someone can help me out in this.