How to generate a permutation from three sets of numbers where each columnn consists 0 to 9


New Member
May 21, 2011
Hi all, I am pretty new to VBA and do not use it much. I locked my suitcase and forgot the password and hence want to use the permutations to strike off any key combination I have tried.:( I want to create a macro and this should give me the list of 17550 permutaions from three columns which contain 0 to 9. I want to try this as I have been trying to open it from such a long time. Not a good method I understand but there is no locksmith around and we could not break the lock anyway...might as well try this new method!:(
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Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging tab for Sheet1 to the right. Excel will make a copy of the worksheet.
Wouldn't there be a total of 1000 permutations? 10^3?
Something like:
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 2
9 9 8
9 9 9
Upvote 0
To get a list of all possible permutations, you could set up your sheet like this:

<TABLE style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; PADDING-LEFT: 2pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 2pt; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri,Arial; FONT-SIZE: 11pt" border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 30px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><COL style="WIDTH: 76px"><COL style="WIDTH: 93px"><COL style="WIDTH: 64px"><COL style="WIDTH: 64px"><COL style="WIDTH: 64px"><COL style="WIDTH: 64px"><COL style="WIDTH: 64px"><COL style="WIDTH: 64px"><COL style="WIDTH: 64px"><COL style="WIDTH: 64px"><COL style="WIDTH: 64px"></COLGROUP><TBODY><TR style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><TD></TD><TD>A</TD><TD>B</TD><TD>C</TD><TD>D</TD><TD>E</TD><TD>F</TD><TD>G</TD><TD>H</TD><TD>I</TD><TD>J</TD><TD>K</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 18px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">1</TD><TD></TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">0</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">1</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">2</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">3</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">4</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">5</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">6</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">7</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">8</TD><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">9</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 18px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">2</TD><TD>Slot A</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 18px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">3</TD><TD>Slot B</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 18px"><TD style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">4</TD><TD>Slot C</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
And place the following code in a new module (credit goes to shg, I have just adapted his code):
Option Explicit
Sub SuitcaseKeyPermutations()
    Dim avdKey As Variant
    Dim nKey       As Long
    Dim nSlot       As Long
    Dim KeyRng     As Range
    Dim aiInx()     As Long
    Dim aiMin()     As Long
    Dim aiMax()     As Long
    Dim i           As Long
    Dim iRow        As Long
    Dim iCol        As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim mySheets As Long
    Const calc = "Calc"
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        If Left(ws.Name, 4) = calc Then ws.Delete
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    ActiveSheet.Name = calc & mySheets
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    ws.Range(Sheet1.Cells(1, 2).Address & ":" & Sheet1.Cells(1, Sheet1.Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column).Address).Copy
    Worksheets(calc & mySheets).Cells(1, Sheet1.Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column + 2).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
    Set KeyRng = Worksheets(calc & mySheets).UsedRange.Columns(1)
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Keys", RefersTo:=KeyRng
    avdKey = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range("Keys"))
    nKey = UBound(avdKey)
    nSlot = Application.CountA(Sheet1.Range("A:A"))
    Worksheets(calc & mySheets).Columns(1).Resize(, nKey).ClearContents
        ReDim aiInx(1 To nSlot)
        ReDim aiMin(1 To nSlot)
        ReDim aiMax(1 To nSlot)
        For i = 1 To nSlot
            aiMin(i) = 1
            aiMax(i) = nKey
        Next i
        GrpPermute aiInx, aiMin, aiMax, True
        Do While GrpPermute(aiInx, aiMin, aiMax)
            If iRow = 50000 Then
                mySheets = mySheets + 1
                ActiveSheet.Name = calc & mySheets
                iRow = 0
            End If
            iRow = iRow + 1
            ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = iRow
            For iCol = 1 To nSlot
                ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol) = avdKey(aiInx(iCol))
            Next iCol
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
Function GrpPermute(aiInx() As Long, aiMin() As Long, aiMax() As Long, _
                    Optional bInit As Boolean = False) As Boolean
    ' shg 2007
    ' Changes array aiInx to the next permutation, varying elements between
    ' the min and max values in aiMin and aiMax. The three arrays must all
    ' be 1-based and the same size.
    ' To initialize aiInx so that the *next* call returns the first combination,
    ' call with bInit True.
    ' Init returns              {aiMin(1), aiMin(2), ... aiMin(m) - 1}
    ' The first permutation is  {aiMin(1), aiMin(2), ... aiMin(m)}
    ' The last is               {aiMax(1), aiMax(2), ... aiMax(m)}
    ' Returns False when no more permutations exist
    Dim i       As Long
    Dim m       As Long
    m = UBound(aiInx)
    If bInit Then
        For i = 1 To m - 1
            aiInx(i) = aiMin(i)
        Next i
        aiInx(m) = aiMin(i) - 1
        GrpPermute = True
        For i = m To 1 Step -1
            If aiInx(i) < aiMax(i) Then
                aiInx(i) = aiInx(i) + 1
                Exit For
            End If
            aiInx(i) = aiMin(i)
        Next i
        GrpPermute = i > 0
    End If
End Function

Then you would execute the macro from the sheet and it would give all possible permutations in a new sheet. To do it for more slots, like a four or five slot combination lock, you could just add Slot D and Slot E, for example, below Slot C in column A.
Upvote 0
To get a list of all possible permutations, you could set up your sheet like this:

<table style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; PADDING-LEFT: 2pt; PADDING-RIGHT: 2pt; FONT-FAMILY: Calibri,Arial; FONT-SIZE: 11pt" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><colgroup><col style="WIDTH: 30px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><col style="WIDTH: 76px"><col style="WIDTH: 93px"><col style="WIDTH: 64px"><col style="WIDTH: 64px"><col style="WIDTH: 64px"><col style="WIDTH: 64px"><col style="WIDTH: 64px"><col style="WIDTH: 64px"><col style="WIDTH: 64px"><col style="WIDTH: 64px"><col style="WIDTH: 64px"></colgroup><tbody><tr style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><td>
</td><td>A</td><td>B</td><td>C</td><td>D</td><td>E</td><td>F</td><td>G</td><td>H</td><td>I</td><td>J</td><td>K</td></tr><tr style="HEIGHT: 18px"><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">1</td><td>
</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">0</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">1</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">2</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">3</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">4</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">5</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">6</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">7</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">8</td><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">9</td></tr><tr style="HEIGHT: 18px"><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">2</td><td>Slot A</td><td>
</td></tr><tr style="HEIGHT: 18px"><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">3</td><td>Slot B</td><td>
</td></tr><tr style="HEIGHT: 18px"><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cacaca; FONT-SIZE: 8pt">4</td><td>Slot C</td><td>
And place the following code in a new module (credit goes to shg, I have just adapted his code):
Option Explicit

Sub SuitcaseKeyPermutations()
    Dim avdKey As Variant
    Dim nKey       As Long
    Dim nSlot       As Long
    Dim KeyRng     As Range
    Dim aiInx()     As Long
    Dim aiMin()     As Long
    Dim aiMax()     As Long
    Dim i           As Long
    Dim iRow        As Long
    Dim iCol        As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim mySheets As Long
    Const calc = "Calc"
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        If Left(ws.Name, 4) = calc Then ws.Delete
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    ActiveSheet.Name = calc & mySheets
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    ws.Range(Sheet1.Cells(1, 2).Address & ":" & Sheet1.Cells(1, Sheet1.Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column).Address).Copy
    Worksheets(calc & mySheets).Cells(1, Sheet1.Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column + 2).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
    Set KeyRng = Worksheets(calc & mySheets).UsedRange.Columns(1)
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Keys", RefersTo:=KeyRng
    avdKey = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range("Keys"))
    nKey = UBound(avdKey)
    nSlot = Application.CountA(Sheet1.Range("A:A"))
    Worksheets(calc & mySheets).Columns(1).Resize(, nKey).ClearContents
        ReDim aiInx(1 To nSlot)
        ReDim aiMin(1 To nSlot)
        ReDim aiMax(1 To nSlot)
        For i = 1 To nSlot
            aiMin(i) = 1
            aiMax(i) = nKey
        Next i
        GrpPermute aiInx, aiMin, aiMax, True
        Do While GrpPermute(aiInx, aiMin, aiMax)
            If iRow = 50000 Then
                mySheets = mySheets + 1
                ActiveSheet.Name = calc & mySheets
                iRow = 0
            End If
            iRow = iRow + 1
            ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = iRow
            For iCol = 1 To nSlot
                ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol) = avdKey(aiInx(iCol))
            Next iCol
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
Function GrpPermute(aiInx() As Long, aiMin() As Long, aiMax() As Long, _
                    Optional bInit As Boolean = False) As Boolean
    ' shg 2007
    ' Changes array aiInx to the next permutation, varying elements between
    ' the min and max values in aiMin and aiMax. The three arrays must all
    ' be 1-based and the same size.
    ' To initialize aiInx so that the *next* call returns the first combination,
    ' call with bInit True.
    ' Init returns              {aiMin(1), aiMin(2), ... aiMin(m) - 1}
    ' The first permutation is  {aiMin(1), aiMin(2), ... aiMin(m)}
    ' The last is               {aiMax(1), aiMax(2), ... aiMax(m)}
    ' Returns False when no more permutations exist
    Dim i       As Long
    Dim m       As Long
    m = UBound(aiInx)
    If bInit Then
        For i = 1 To m - 1
            aiInx(i) = aiMin(i)
        Next i
        aiInx(m) = aiMin(i) - 1
        GrpPermute = True
        For i = m To 1 Step -1
            If aiInx(i) < aiMax(i) Then
                aiInx(i) = aiInx(i) + 1
                Exit For
            End If
            aiInx(i) = aiMin(i)
        Next i
        GrpPermute = i > 0
    End If
End Function
Then you would execute the macro from the sheet and it would give all possible permutations in a new sheet. To do it for more slots, like a four or five slot combination lock, you could just add Slot D and Slot E, for example, below Slot C in column A.

Thank you so much! starting my trial and error!:) and yes it is 1000, not 17000!:smile:Cheers!
Upvote 0

In this case, since you just want the numbers 0-999, like syntaxed said in post #3, you can also write in A1:


and copy down till A1000
Upvote 0
Late to the party, but this should also work
Sub Permutations()
    Dim i As Integer, MyNumber As Long, j As Integer, NumFormat As String
    j = Application.InputBox("How many columns?", Type:=1)
    For i = 1 To j
        MyNumber = MyNumber & "9"
        NumFormat = NumFormat + "0"
    Next i
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For i = 0 To MyNumber
        For j = 1 To Len(MyNumber)
            Cells(i + 1, j).Value = Mid(Format(i, NumFormat), j, 1)
        Next j
    Next i
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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