Submitting again. Different issue. The spreadsheet I am pulling from is locked except for the first column so that the user doesn't screw anything up. I don't like the text box entry method which is why I am doing it this way. I have used lastrow in other applications and it works. The code didn't have an issue with lastrow until I fixed the issue I was having with lastrow. Is there a property that would allow me to only look at column A to avoid the Locked/Protected cell issue?
Sub PullManualBatchData()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).
'Dim F1 As Object
Dim Ary1(3, 1) As String
Set F1 = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
'h = FreeFile
'Open File1 For Input As #h
g = 0
For x = 1 To lastrow
data = F1.Cells(x, 1)
If data <> "" Then Ary1(g, 1) = data And g = g + 1
End Sub
Sub PullManualBatchData()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).
'Dim F1 As Object
Dim Ary1(3, 1) As String
Set F1 = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
'h = FreeFile
'Open File1 For Input As #h
g = 0
For x = 1 To lastrow
data = F1.Cells(x, 1)
If data <> "" Then Ary1(g, 1) = data And g = g + 1
End Sub