I’m having a problem in regards to comparing a string variable with a filename.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
Here’s my sample.<o></o>
Textbox.text input is: “new york”<o></o>
My file name is: “C:\DATA\Location – New York.bmp”<o></o>
How can I read the filename as a string, and then compare the Textbox.text string with the filename?<o></o>
The compare needs to ignore the case and see if “new york” exist in the filename else exit sub.<o></o>
Thanks for any help!<o></o>
Here’s my sample.<o></o>
Textbox.text input is: “new york”<o></o>
My file name is: “C:\DATA\Location – New York.bmp”<o></o>
How can I read the filename as a string, and then compare the Textbox.text string with the filename?<o></o>
The compare needs to ignore the case and see if “new york” exist in the filename else exit sub.<o></o>
Thanks for any help!<o></o>