Hello! I have a question here I need help with. I have 8 workbooks that my peers use. I have a master workbook that links specific cell data from each of those 8 workbooks to one master file to get all of the data in one sheet. Here is my question. Is there any way I can just open the one master workbook and tell it to update the data from the other 8 without opening them? It seems like as my peers are working throughout the day, they save their updates on their workbooks, but if I have the master workbook open and click save at top, it doesn't update. They are all set up as shared workbooks, so external rights isn't an issue. I have tried clicking the Data > Connections > Refresh All button but it doesn't seem to update. If I open each of the other 8 workbooks and keep the master version open, it will then update correctly. Thing is, I need it to do this without having to open all 8 workbooks while keeping the master one open. Anyone that can help with what that code/macro would look like?