I have a macro that search for existing files, creates and saves. What I want is it's going to save the file to the existing subfolders which is JAN to DEC based on the date (which is month) and it's going to do filesearch all the subfolder for existing file.
I have a macro that search for existing files, creates and saves. What I want is it's going to save the file to the existing subfolders which is JAN to DEC based on the date (which is month) and it's going to do filesearch all the subfolder for existing file.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim OpenName, PON As String, CODE As String, Response As String, PONMessage As String, MyString As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
OpenName = ActiveWorkbook.Name 'Check file name
PONMessage = "You have not entered a PON Number. To enter a PON press 'Yes', to exit sheet press 'No'."
If OpenName = "Polybag Load Reconciliation.xls" Then ' If file is the template
Do While PON = ""
PON = InputBox("Please enter the PON of the new batch: ", "Enter PON") ' Enter PON Number
If PON = "" Then ' Check if entry or cancel has been hit
Response = MsgBox(PONMessage, vbYesNo, "PON Error") ' Error message explaining that they either need to enter a valid PON or exit sheet
If Response = vbYes Then ' if 'YES' then continue loop
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False ' Close template without saving
End If
End If
If Len(PON) = 6 Then ' If PON contains 6 characters then
If IsNumeric(PON) = True Then ' If the string contains only numbers then
Response = MsgBox("You have entered PON Number " & PON & ". Is this correct?", vbYesNo, "PON Confirmation")
If Response = vbNo Then ' If they click the 'no' button - reset PON
PON = ""
End If
Else ' Otherwise explain the entry must only contain numbers
MsgBox "Sorry, your entry must only contain numbers."
PON = ""
End If
Else ' Otherwise explain a PON requires 6 numbers
MsgBox "Sorry, a PON needs to have 6 numbers."
PON = ""
End If
Dim FullPath As String ' Set a variable for the full path of the current file
FullPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path ' Assign the current path to the variable
Set fs = Application.FileSearch ' Set file search object
With fs ' With the fs object
.NewSearch ' Clear the previous object settings
.Filename = FullPath & "\" & PON & " test.xls" ' Look for any files named with the entered PON
.MatchTextExactly = True ' Ensure an exact match
If .Execute > 0 Then ' If the search finds a file with that PON -
' Send message explaining the file already exists
MsgBox "Sorry, a file with this name has already been created. Please open the existing file."
' Close the template without saving
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
' Else save the workbook with the New PON as normal
Do While CODE = ""
CODE = InputBox("Please enter the CODE of the new batch: ", "Enter CODE") ' Enter product CODE
If CODE = "" Then
MsgBox ("You must enter a product code.") ' Error message for no product code input
End If
Worksheets("PAP Yield").Activate
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="Recon"
Cells(1, 2).Select
Selection.Locked = False
Cells(1, 2) = PON ' Puts value of PON into worksheet
Selection.Locked = True
Cells(1, 5).Select
Selection.Locked = False
Cells(1, 5) = CODE ' Puts value of CODE into worksheet
Selection.Locked = True
Cells(1, 7).Select
Selection.Locked = False
Cells(1, 7) = Date ' Enters the date into worksheet
Selection.Locked = True
Cells(1, 9).Select
Selection.Locked = False
Cells(1, 9) = Time ' Enters the Time into worksheet
Selection.Locked = True
Cells(5, 2).Select 'Parks cursor
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="Recon"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs (FullPath & "\" & PON & " test.xls")
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
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