I'm using the following code:
What this does is grab a column of user names from M on Sheet1 and a list of cooresponding numbers in colum N, also on Sheet 1 and pastes it into Sheet2.
In Cell A1, it has a name as it should, but in B1, it says Counts instead of having the proper value... ?
The rest of the items look ok, it's just that one cell (B1) that isn't right..
Anyone have an idea why this is happening an how to fix it?
Range("A1").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
What this does is grab a column of user names from M on Sheet1 and a list of cooresponding numbers in colum N, also on Sheet 1 and pastes it into Sheet2.
In Cell A1, it has a name as it should, but in B1, it says Counts instead of having the proper value... ?
The rest of the items look ok, it's just that one cell (B1) that isn't right..
Anyone have an idea why this is happening an how to fix it?
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