Board Regular
- Joined
- Feb 5, 2011
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Im having a bit of an issue, im trying to import two data text files (with both have some part with the same name), into tables in excel.
The simplest route been to process the first text file, then import and add the relevent text file with the same part name in from the other folder, then to loop onto the next file.
I have been struggling with the following ;
The simplest route been to process the first text file, then import and add the relevent text file with the same part name in from the other folder, then to loop onto the next file.
I have been struggling with the following ;
Public Sub DetectNewSplitFile()
Const sFileSpec As String = "*" & "Splits Data" & "*" & ".txt" ' type of file to watch
Const sAgeSelect As String = "00:00:30" ' ignore files newer than this
Dim sFileName As String
Dim dFileStamp As Date
Dim iFiles As Integer
Dim iNewFiles As Integer
Dim dLastFileProcessed As Date
Dim dLatestFileDetected As Date
Dim sh As Worksheet, sPath As String, sName As String
Dim r As Range, fName As String
Dim ShtName1 As String
Dim ShtName As String
Dim NewSht As Worksheet
Dim str As String
Userform1.Fname1.Caption = LText
Userform1.NFiles.Caption = "Looking in Folder Please wait...."
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ShtName = "TEMPS"
On Error Resume Next
Set NewSht = Sheets(ShtName)
On Error GoTo 0
If NewSht Is Nothing Then
Set NewSht = Worksheets.Add
NewSht.name = ShtName
End If
dLastFileProcessed = lastDate
'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range ("A1")
sFileName = Dir(sFolder & sFileSpec)
Do While sFileName <> ""
dFileStamp = FileDateTime(sFolder & sFileName)
If dFileStamp > dLastFileProcessed And dFileStamp < Now() - TimeValue(sAgeSelect) Then
iNewFiles = iNewFiles + 1
[COLOR=lime]Code to process first file[/COLOR]
Close #1 [COLOR=lime]used to close file after processing[/COLOR]
Dim d As Integer
Dim rFilename As String
Dim replacename As String
Dim striped As String
d = numbers + 10
Dim rFname As String
Dim ShtNamet As String
Dim NewShtt As Worksheet
Dim stripedt As String
Dim resultclass As String
ShtNamet = "resultr"
On Error Resume Next
Set NewShtt = Sheets(ShtNamet)
On Error GoTo 0
If NewShtt Is Nothing Then
Set NewShtt = Worksheets.Add
NewShtt.name = ShtNamet
End If
resultclass = "*" & "Results" & "*" & ".txt"
[COLOR=red]rFname = Dir(sFolder & resultclass) for testing all files are in the same folder, a cannot work out to set another String to replace sFolder, with rFolder, every time i try it sets them both to blank.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lime]processing data from second text file and add to table [/COLOR]
If dFileStamp > dLatestFileDetected Then dLatestFileDetected = dFileStamp
End If
iFiles = iFiles + 1
[COLOR=red]sFileName = Dir() issue here where sFileName changes the first part of the file name correctly, but still has the Results.txt string at the end.
' testing
Close #1