Here's a strange one... still learning VBA...
I have an xlsm file created in MS Excel 2010.
It has 5 worksheets. Sheet1 ("Update") has 2 DTPickers & a command button to run a macro (DataExtract).
When I run my macro it works fine, however part way through the Title Bar shows ...xlsm (Not Responding) & the status bar stops updating (still shows 'PLEASE WAIT... WaitOnCust ...'), however the macro finishes fine (all 3 worksheets populated with data) & shows the msgbox 'Update data complete' & the title bar no longer shows (Not Responding) & the status bar is cleared after clicking ok in the msgbox.
I am using the Application.Status as a progress indicator, however it stops working part way through when (Not Responding) displays in title bar.
Any ideas please?
Here's my vba code in my xlsm file:
I have an xlsm file created in MS Excel 2010.
It has 5 worksheets. Sheet1 ("Update") has 2 DTPickers & a command button to run a macro (DataExtract).
When I run my macro it works fine, however part way through the Title Bar shows ...xlsm (Not Responding) & the status bar stops updating (still shows 'PLEASE WAIT... WaitOnCust ...'), however the macro finishes fine (all 3 worksheets populated with data) & shows the msgbox 'Update data complete' & the title bar no longer shows (Not Responding) & the status bar is cleared after clicking ok in the msgbox.
I am using the Application.Status as a progress indicator, however it stops working part way through when (Not Responding) displays in title bar.
Any ideas please?
Here's my vba code in my xlsm file:
Option Explicit
Dim connDatabase As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsDatabase As ADODB.Recordset
Public Sub DataExtract()
On Error GoTo DataExtract_Err
Dim dteStartDate As String
Dim dteEndDate As String
Dim sheetname As String
Dim fieldcount As Integer
' Obtain the start & end dates
dteStartDate = Format(Worksheets("Update").DTPickerStart, "yyyy-mm-dd")
dteEndDate = Format(Worksheets("Update").DTPickerEnd, "yyyy-mm-dd")
' Create new connection & recordset objects.
Set connDatabase = New ADODB.Connection
Set rsDatabase = New ADODB.Recordset
' Open connection to SQL server
Application.StatusBar = "PLEASE WAIT... Attempting to connect to database..."
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With rsDatabase
' Assign the Connection object.
.ActiveConnection = connDatabase
sheetname = "GlobalData"
Application.StatusBar = "PLEASE WAIT... " & sheetname & " ..."
' Extract the required records.
'.Open "exec CCC_SLAPerf '" & dteStartDate & "','" & dteEndDate & "';", connDatabase, adOpenStatic
.Open "select top 5 * from custab;", connDatabase, adOpenStatic
With Worksheets(sheetname)
' Clear worksheet
'Populate Header Row with Names
For fieldcount = 1 To rsDatabase.Fields.Count
.Cells(1, fieldcount).Value = rsDatabase.Fields(fieldcount - 1).name
Next fieldcount
' Copy records into cell A2.
.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rsDatabase
End With
sheetname = "WaitOnCust"
Application.StatusBar = "PLEASE WAIT... " & sheetname & " ..."
' Extract the required records.
'.Open "exec CCC_WaitOnCust '" & dteStartDate & "','" & dteEndDate & "';", connDatabase, adOpenStatic
.Open "select top 5 * from ticket;", connDatabase, adOpenStatic
With Worksheets(sheetname)
' Clear worksheet
'Populate Header Row with Names
For fieldcount = 1 To rsDatabase.Fields.Count
.Cells(1, fieldcount).Value = rsDatabase.Fields(fieldcount - 1).name
Next fieldcount
' Copy records into cell A2.
.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rsDatabase
End With
sheetname = "2ndTier"
Application.StatusBar = "PLEASE WAIT... " & sheetname & " ..."
' Extract the required records.
'.Open "exec CCC_2ndTier '" & dteStartDate & "','" & dteEndDate & "';", connDatabase, adOpenStatic
.Open "select top 5 * from account;", connDatabase, adOpenStatic
Application.StatusBar = "TESTING 3..."
With Worksheets(sheetname)
' Clear worksheet
'Populate Header Row with Names
For fieldcount = 1 To rsDatabase.Fields.Count
.Cells(1, fieldcount).Value = rsDatabase.Fields(fieldcount - 1).name
Next fieldcount
' Copy records into cell A2.
.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rsDatabase
End With
End With
' Resize columns
' Freeze panes below headings
'ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
' Set 'last updated' date
Application.StatusBar = False
Worksheets("Update").Range("B16").Value = Date
' Display message box when complete
MsgBox "Update data complete.", vbInformation
'Exit Handler
On Error Resume Next
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set rsDatabase = Nothing
Set connDatabase = Nothing
Exit Sub
'Error Handler
Application.StatusBar = "Error occurred..."
MsgBox Err.Source & ", ERROR# " & Err.Number & ", LINE# " & Erl() & ", HelpContext: " & Err.HelpContext _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, "DataExtract Error!"
Resume DataExtract_Exit
End Sub
Public Sub FixDTPickers()
On Error GoTo FixDTPickers_Err
' A workaround for the DTPicker's not displaying correctly per mubashiraziz in
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 2
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Exit Handler
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
'Error Handler
MsgBox Err.Source & ", ERROR# " & Err.Number & ", LINE# " & Erl() & ", HelpContext: " & Err.HelpContext _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, "FixDTPickers Error!"
Resume FixDTPickers_Exit
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Call FixDTPickers
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call FixDTPickers
End Sub
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