One of my subroutines filters the data in another sheet according to one parameter (always fixed). I want the user to input this parameter in an input box but limiting the parameter to only 5 types of entries, if the input left in blank, or hit cancel, or input is different than the only 5 parameters i want to show "Invalid Input". after this input box gets the input I want that value to go on my other formula. I have done part of the code but stuck on linking the input with the error messahe and my other subroutine. Could anyone give me an example here?
One of my subroutines filters the data in another sheet according to one parameter (always fixed). I want the user to input this parameter in an input box but limiting the parameter to only 5 types of entries, if the input left in blank, or hit cancel, or input is different than the only 5 parameters i want to show "Invalid Input". after this input box gets the input I want that value to go on my other formula. I have done part of the code but stuck on linking the input with the error messahe and my other subroutine. Could anyone give me an example here?