I have a formula that uses other cells that also contain formulas to figure it's values monthly.
For ease sake we'll call the 2 cells that the last formula uses A1 and B1. The last formula is in cells C3:C14 and it figures monthly.
The problem is that when A1 and/or B1 changes, the results change in all the cells C3:C14. If it's already figured C3:C5 before A1 or B1 change, I want those results to remain what they were.
The actual formula looks like this:
=IF(E10>1,IF(AND(SUM(IF(E10>=$E$6,1,0),IF(F10>=$F$6,1,0),IF(G10>=$G$6,1,0))>=2,SUM(IF(H10<=$H$6,1,0),IF(I10=$I$6,1,0))>=1),"PASS","RETEST")," ")
Can I add an Isblank to it? I don't know what to use to tell it to keep the value that's already there
=Isblank(IF(E10>1,IF(AND(SUM(IF(E10>=$E$6,1,0),IF(F10>=$F$6,1,0),IF(G10>=$G$6,1,0))>=2,SUM(IF(H10<=$H$6,1,0),IF(I10=$I$6,1,0))>=1),"PASS","RETEST")," "),??Value that's already there??)
Thanks for any help you can give me