Okay feel free to correct me if I have something wrong here.
Looking at your code, it looks like you are trying to end up with a formula in each cell in column U from row "Top" to row "Bottom", correct?
Within that formula you want to sum the range U"Top" to U"Bottom", excluding the cell of the current formula, correct?
There are three issues I see:
1)I am not sure but I think what you are doing (summing the range U"Top" to U"Bottom", excluding the cell of the current formula) could be dangerous if your range from "Top" to "Bottom" is not small because it would create circular formulas where when a cell is updated every other cell has to be updated, which in turn causes all other cells to be updated again, and again. I could be wrong and excel could handle this just fine. Also is it possible that you meant to sum column Z and have the output in column U?
2) You start at U"Top" with the command
and have the following in your formula
U$" & Top & ":U" & ActiveCell.Row - 1
Assuming "Top" = 2, you end up with trying to sum "U$2:U1" which is backwards and gets switched by excel to "U1:U$2"
3)You have the same backwards situation as #2 when you get to U"Bottom"
Let me know if I can help more.