All, I have a W/S with a portfolio grouped by their respective relationship names. I need a formula (or VBA) that will first look in COLUMN D, and count the number of instances, then I need it compare the contents of its corresponding cell content in Column I, and finally display whether all cell values in Col I are an exact match.
The purpose of doing this is to identify any split relationship; meaning that the relationship is being handled by multiple parties.
It seems to me like a logical formula would work but after several failed attempts, this is the best I could come up with.
This works okay; but, as can be seen, it is limited to a logical statement that only references 2 cells. In the above sample, if D2=D3, then, are I2 and I3 exact matches? I nested an IF statement to do a reverse lookup, but I'm certain there's a better, more thorough way to look at all instances simultaneously and have it return a Split/Unplit, True/False, Match/Unmatch, Yes/No, or any variation thereof.
The challenge is that oftentimes, there are more than 2 accounts in a single relationship with multiple relationships having 15 ~ 40 instances.
I've included a sample below in hopes of providing some clarity on what it is I am after.
Many thanks in advance.
The purpose of doing this is to identify any split relationship; meaning that the relationship is being handled by multiple parties.
It seems to me like a logical formula would work but after several failed attempts, this is the best I could come up with.
The challenge is that oftentimes, there are more than 2 accounts in a single relationship with multiple relationships having 15 ~ 40 instances.
I've included a sample below in hopes of providing some clarity on what it is I am after.
Many thanks in advance.
0000000001</SPAN> | AAA QUALITAE | BLR</SPAN> | U, MARY</SPAN> | TRUE | JULIE M</SPAN> | AG03</SPAN> |
0000000002</SPAN> | AAA QUALITAE | BLR</SPAN> | U, MARY</SPAN> | TRUE | JULIE M</SPAN> | AG03</SPAN> |
0000000003</SPAN> | AAA QUALITAE | BLR</SPAN> | U, MARY</SPAN> | TRUE | JULIE M</SPAN> | AG03</SPAN> |
0000000006</SPAN> | ROBEE JR | BLR</SPAN> | BRISK, D</SPAN> | FALSE | ANN P</SPAN> | 1084</SPAN> |
0000000007</SPAN> | ROBEE JR | BLR</SPAN> | BRISK, D</SPAN> | FALSE | ARK </SPAN> | 1082</SPAN> |
ROBEE JR COUNT</SPAN> | 2</SPAN> | |||||
0000000012</SPAN> | VAN'DESEL | BLR</SPAN> | BRISK, D</SPAN> | TRUE | BWDQ</SPAN> | 1094</SPAN> |
0000000013</SPAN> | VAN'DESEL | BLR</SPAN> | BRISK, D</SPAN> | TRUE | BWDQ</SPAN> | 1094</SPAN> |
0000000014</SPAN> | VAN'DESEL | BLR</SPAN> | BRISK, D</SPAN> | FALSE | BWDQ</SPAN> | 1094</SPAN> |
0000000015</SPAN> | VAN'DESEL | BLR</SPAN> | BRISK, D</SPAN> | FALSE | RPWQ</SPAN> | 1095</SPAN> |