I don't have access to it over the weekend as it was on my work computer, but i'll just attempt to step through as i remember it (might be tough to remember, the code did a lot more before actually doing this). The first lookup i was doing was to be found in W2:W20, the second lookup was in the row the first lookup is found, could be no more than 10 columns over. then i had to offset it 1 down. Lets just say the first value i was looking up was in a1, the second in a2. So it looked something like...
for a=2 to 20
if cells(a,"W")=range("a1") then
end if
next a
for a= 25 to 34
if cells(rw,a)=range("a2") then
range("a3").pastespecial xlpastevalues
end if
next a
This is just a rough draft from memory butI will post the actual code when i get to work on monday. This would get anybody started who was looking to do the same thing with vb. let me know if you need me to elaborate on anything i posted. Thanks again.