Good Afternoon,
I have created the VB below to check a name ( SiAName ) against the names Column c (3). If it finds the name i need it then to check a score ( Siquestion ) in SiScore column E ( 5 ) on sheet "Sheet 1"
Then all the information is placed on Sheet 2 from cell C36
Can anyone point me in the right direction as currently the VB just clicks with nothing happening and when i step through it keeps looping without any message
I have created the VB below to check a name ( SiAName ) against the names Column c (3). If it finds the name i need it then to check a score ( Siquestion ) in SiScore column E ( 5 ) on sheet "Sheet 1"
Then all the information is placed on Sheet 2 from cell C36
Can anyone point me in the right direction as currently the VB just clicks with nothing happening and when i step through it keeps looping without any message
Sub Start_Of_SGSearch_Macro()
Dim SiAName As String
Dim SiFDate As String
Dim SiTDate As String
Dim Siquestion As String
Dim SiAdvocate As String
Dim SiDate As String
Dim SiAssessor As String
Dim SiScore As String
Dim SiPno As String
Dim SiPR As String
Dim SiPSR As String
Dim SiComments1T3 As String
Dim SiComments4T8 As String
Dim SiComments9T11 As String
Dim SiComments12T14 As String
Dim SiComments15T18 As String
Dim SiComments19T27 As String
Dim SiFutActions As String
SiAName = Sheets("Sheet 2").Cells(31, 4).Value
SiFDate = Sheets("Sheet 2").Cells(28, 4).Value
SiTDate = Sheets("Sheet 2").Cells(29, 4).Value
Siquestion = Sheets("Sheet 2").Cells(33, 4).Value
'Info from this sheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("sheet 1").Select
SiDate = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 2).Value 'Date
SiAdvocate = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 3).Value 'Advocate
SiAssessor = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 4).Value 'Assessor
SiScore = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 5).Value 'Score
SiPno = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 6).Value 'Process No.
SiPR = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 8).Value 'Process Reason
SiPSR = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 9).Value 'Process Sub Reason
SiComments1T3 = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 13).Value 'Comments 1-3
SiComments4T8 = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 19).Value 'Comments 4-8
SiComments9T11 = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 23).Value 'Comments 9-11
SiComments12T14 = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 27).Value 'Comments 12-14
SiComments15T18 = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 32).Value 'Comments 15-18
SiComments19T27 = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 42).Value 'Comments 19-27
SiFutActions = ActiveCell.Offset(a, 44).Value 'Agreed Actions
'Info placed on
If SiAName = SiAdvocate Then
If SiScore = "Extra Mile" Then
Sheets("Sheet 2").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 0).Value = SiDate
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 1).Value = SiAdvocate
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 2).Value = SiAssessor
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 3).Value = SiScore
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 4).Value = SiPno
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 5).Value = SiPR
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 6).Value = SiPSR
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 7).Value = SiComments1T3
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 8).Value = SiComments4T8
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 9).Value = SiComments9T11
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 10).Value = SiComments12T14
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 11).Value = SiComments15T18
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 12).Value = SiComments19T27
ActiveCell.Offset(b, 13).Value = SiFutActions
MsgBox "Uanble to Find any Quality " & SiAdvocate & ". Please try Another Score .", vbOKOnly, "Score Not Found For Advocate"
End If
End If
b = b + 1
a = a + 1
Loop Until SiAdvocate = ""
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Application
.Calculation = xlAutomatic
.MaxChange = 0.001
End With
Sheets("SGrimshaw Manager").Select
End Sub