Loop through cells to make formula


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
I have a problem to loop through a range of cells to make a sum function. My code looks like this:
    For i = 15 To months + 15
        Cells(34, i).Formula = "=Sum(" & Cells(36, i) & "," & Cells(36 + poscount, i) & ")"
I get this error message
run-time error '1004':
Method 'Cells' of object '_Global' failed

Hoe should i loop through the cells to make the sum function?

Excel Facts

Add Bullets to Range
Select range. Press Ctrl+1. On Number tab, choose Custom. Type Alt+7 then space then @ sign (using 7 on numeric keypad)
I don't see anything goofy. Are 'months' and 'poscount' integers?
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This works for the active sheet, presuming the active sheet is a worksheet.
Rich (BB code):
Sub exa()
Dim i As Long
Const poscount = 3
Const months = 5
    For i = 15 To months + 15
        Cells(34, i).Formula = "=Sum(" & Cells(36, i) & "," & Cells(36 + poscount, i) & ")"
End Sub
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Hmmm pretty strange. Your function works in a new workbook, but when i paste it in mine function which is a lot longer i keep getting the same error.
Actual i also found out that the function should be like this
For i = 15 To months + 15
        Cells(34, i).Formula = "=Sum(" & Range(Cells(36, i), Cells(36 + poscount, i)) & ")"
That wont run in you function either :(
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I think that if you are using the Range() method here, you'll have to use Range.Address

Cells.Formula = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells,Cells).Address & ")"

In any case, if you are still facing an error, it'll be better if you post your complete code.
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The .Address worked in the new workbook but i still get the error in my long function.
I try to post the complete code
Sub SortConsumption()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim months As Integer
    Dim poscount As Integer
    Site = Range("F2")
    Division = Range("F3")
    Afdeling = Range("F4")
    Energi = Range("F5")
    If Energi = "" Then
        MsgBox "No Energy form have been selected! Please select Energyform."
    ElseIf Afdeling <> "" Then
        'Kopiere alle målere som er direkte tilknyttet den valgte afdeling.
        ListCount = Worksheets("Måler").Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count
        poscount = 0
        Worksheets("Forbrug Test").Activate
        For i = 1 To ListCount
            If InStr(Range("I" & i), Afdeling) > 0 And Range("D" & i) = Energi Then
                Range("A" & 36 + poscount).Select
                Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
                        :=False, Transpose:=False
                poscount = poscount + 1 '
                Worksheets("Forbrug Test").Activate
            End If
        'Kopiere alle børn til de målere som er kommet over første gang.
        'Dette er nødvendigt for at få det reele forbrug på en hovedmåler
        'og sørger for at man ikke kommer til at dele forkert ud.
        For i = 36 To poscount + 36
            maaler = Range("E" & i)
            For n = 1 To ListCount
                Worksheets("Forbrug Test").Activate
                If maaler = Range("J" & n) Then
                    'MsgBox "n: " & n & " i: " & i
                    Range("A" & 36 + poscount).Select
                    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
                        :=False, Transpose:=False
                    poscount = poscount + 1
                End If
        'Målere der er kommet med flere gange fjernes for at man ikke trækker samme
        'undermåler fra en hovedmåler mere end en gang
        For i = 36 To poscount + 36
            maaler = Range("E" & i)
            For m = 1 + i To poscount + 36
                If Range("E" & m) = maaler Then
                    'MsgBox "Dette er m: " & m & " Med måler: " & maaler
                    poscount = poscount - 1
                End If
        'Indsætter længden af hovedmålerens navn. Dette gøres fordi når man fratrækker
        'et barn fra en hovedmåler skal man være sikker på der ikke er trukket et barn
        'til undermåleren fra i forvejen da man så vil trække et for lille tal fra hvis
        'man ikke også trak barnets barn fra. Til sidst sorteres de efter længde så forældre
        'altid er højere end deres børn.
        For i = 36 To poscount + 35
            Range("N" & i) = "=Len(E" & i & ")"
        Range("A36:Z" & poscount + 35).Select
        Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("N36"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
        OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
        'Følgende kode sørger for at der ikke er dobbelttælling da child trækkes fra parrents
        'Sørger også for at grafen kan laves ordentligt ved hjælp af months
        For i = 36 To 36 + poscount
            If IsError(Application.Match(Range("J" & i).Value, Range("E36:E" & 36 + poscount), 0)) Then
                'MsgBox "Not found "
                nCol = 15
                months = 0
                matchcount = Application.Match(Range("J" & i).Value, Range("E36:E" & 36 + poscount), 0)
                While Cells(i, nCol) <> ""
                    tempval = Cells(35 + matchcount, nCol)
                    Cells(35 + matchcount, nCol) = tempval - Cells(i, nCol)
                    'MsgBox "nCol:" & nCol & " i: " & i & " tempval: " & tempval
                    nCol = nCol + 1
                    months = months + 1
            End If
        'Følgende kode sørger for split ved dem der skal spilttes
        For i = 36 To 36 + poscount
            If Range("K" & i) = "Yes" Then
                key = Range("A" & i)
                rowPos = Application.Match(key, Range("A1:A100"), 0)
                If Afdeling = "10023V" Or Afdeling = "10023R" Then
                    colPos = Application.Match(10023, Range("A2:O2"), 0)
                    colPos = Application.Match(Afdeling, Range("A2:O2"), 0)
                End If
                pFaktor = Cells(rowPos, colPos)
                'MsgBox "Key: " & key & " Afdeling: " & Afdeling & " rowPos: " & rowPos & " colPos: " & colPos & " pFaktor: " & pFaktor
                nCol = 15
                While Cells(i, nCol) <> ""
                    Cells(i, nCol) = Cells(i, nCol) * pFaktor
                    'tempval = Cells(35 + matchcount, nCol)
                    'Cells(35 + matchcount, nCol) = tempval - Cells(i, nCol)
                    'MsgBox "nCol:" & nCol & " i: " & i & " tempval: " & tempval
                    nCol = nCol + 1
            End If
        'Sørger for at slette målere som ikke er direkte tilknyttet den valgte afdeling
        'Dette gøres da man kan have haft nogen børn over som har skulle trækkes fra en forældre,
        'for at give det rigtige på hovedmåleren, men undermåleren behøver ikke have
        'tilknytning til den valgte afdeling.
        For i = 36 + poscount To 36 Step -1
            If InStr(Range("H" & i), Afdeling) = 0 Then
                poscount = poscount - 1
            End If
    ElseIf Division <> "" Then
        poscount = 0
        For i = 1 To 250
            Worksheets("Forbrug Test").Activate
            If InStr(Range("I" & i), Division) > 0 And Range("D" & i) = Energi Then
                Range("A" & 36 + poscount).Select
                Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
                        :=False, Transpose:=False
                poscount = poscount + 1
            End If
        'Slet målere som ikke er tilknyttet en division så de ikke trækkes fra
        For i = 36 + poscount To 36 Step -1
            If Range("G" & i) = "" Then
                poscount = poscount - 1
            End If
        'Følgende kode sørger for at der ikke er dobbelttælling da child trækkes fra parrents
        'Sørger også for at grafen kan laves ordentligt ved hjælp af months
        For i = 36 To 36 + poscount
            If IsError(Application.Match(Range("J" & i).Value, Range("E36:E" & 36 + poscount), 0)) Then
                'MsgBox "Not found "
                nCol = 15
                months = 0
                matchcount = Application.Match(Range("J" & i).Value, Range("E36:E" & 36 + poscount), 0)
                While Cells(i, nCol) <> ""
                    tempval = Cells(35 + matchcount, nCol)
                    Cells(35 + matchcount, nCol) = tempval - Cells(i, nCol)
                    'MsgBox "nCol:" & nCol & " i: " & i & " tempval: " & tempval
                    nCol = nCol + 1
                    months = months + 1
            End If
        'Sørger for at slette målere som ikke er direkte tilknyttet den valgte afdeling
        'Dette gøres da man kan have haft nogen børn over som har skulle trækkes fra en forældre,
        'for at give det rigtige på hovedmåleren, men undermåleren behøver ikke have
        'tilknytning til den valgte afdeling.
        For i = 36 + poscount To 36 Step -1
            If InStr(Range("G" & i), Division) = 0 Then
                poscount = poscount - 1
            End If
        poscount = 0
        For i = 1 To 250
            Worksheets("Forbrug Test").Activate
            If InStr(Range("F" & i), Site) > 0 And Range("D" & i) = Energi Then
                Range("A" & 36 + poscount).Select
                Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
                        :=False, Transpose:=False
                poscount = poscount + 1
            End If
        'Sørger for ikke at tælle den tommeplads den står på med i poscount når graf skal laves
        poscount = poscount - 1
        'Tæller antallet af måneder der skal plottes i grafen senere
        months = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("O36:Z36"), ">0")
    End If
    'Delete old chart
    Dim wsItem As Worksheet
    Dim chtObj As ChartObject
    For Each wsItem In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        For Each chtObj In wsItem.ChartObjects
    'Make chart
    Dim myrange As Range
    poscount = poscount + 1
    Set myrange = Union(Sheets("Fordeling").Range(Cells(35, 1), Cells(35 + poscount, 1)), Sheets("Fordeling").Range(Cells(35, 15), Cells(35 + poscount, 14 + months)))
    ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnStacked
    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=myrange, PlotBy:=xlRows
    ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Fordeling"
    With ActiveChart
        .HasTitle = True
        .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "Opdeling af " & Energi & " i " & Afdeling & " " & Division
        .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
        .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
        If Energi = "El" Or Energi = "Fjernvarme" Then
            .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "kWh"
            .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "M3"
        End If
    End With
    With ActiveChart.Parent
        .Height = 325 ' resize
        .Width = 300 + 80 * months ' resize
        .Top = 75 ' reposition
        .Left = 100 ' reposition
    End With
    For i = 15 To months + 15
        Cells(34, i).Formula = "=Sum(" & Range(Cells(36, i), Cells(36 + poscount, i)).Address & ")"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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I'm not very sure about this, but before the SUM part, you have used Charts. I think when you use ActiveChart, it selects the chart.

As soon as you are done with your chart code, you are trying to sum cells, but the chart selection is still active, and so you are getting the error.

It is a good idea to qualify your cells/ranges. This avoids unnecessary errors and confusion.

For example, you could have something like

Dim wsForbrug As Worksheet
Dim wsFordeling As Worksheet

set wsForbrug = Sheets("Forbrug Test")
Set wsFordeling = Sheets("Fordeling")

And then whenever you want to work on the Forbrug Test, just use

wsForburg.Range(...) and so on. Similarly for wsFordeling.

Using this, you don't need to activate/select sheets to work on them.

So, your SUM statement will become (if you are working on Fordeling)

    For i = 15 To months + 15
        With wsFordeling
            .Cells(34, i).Formula = "=Sum(" & Range(.Cells(36, i), .Cells(36 + poscount, i)).Address & ")"
        End With
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Thank you sandeep.warrier :) It worked when i put it before the code for the chart.
I will work on the qualifying of cell/ranges in the future :)
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