Hello Gang,
Here is my problem. I run a report from a template each week for the purcahsing dept. They have a comments field and have asked if I caould transfer the comments from the previous week's report into current.
I have about 3,500 lines and this changes each week. When I choose "D" (see code below) it all runs in a few seconds as there are only about 30 lines in that category. However, when I choose "N", which has >1000 lines, I have to give up after about 5 minutes.
i am looking for advice on how to speed up the code. I'm sure that I'm being naive about how I've created this macro.
As always, many thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Here is my problem. I run a report from a template each week for the purcahsing dept. They have a comments field and have asked if I caould transfer the comments from the previous week's report into current.
I have about 3,500 lines and this changes each week. When I choose "D" (see code below) it all runs in a few seconds as there are only about 30 lines in that category. However, when I choose "N", which has >1000 lines, I have to give up after about 5 minutes.
i am looking for advice on how to speed up the code. I'm sure that I'm being naive about how I've created this macro.
Sub tttt()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Range("BJ12").Formula = "=TRUNC(((TODAY()-DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),1,0))+6)/7)"
archive = Range("BJ12").Value - 1
y = InputBox("Please Enter W, N, C U or D")
MyCnt = Evaluate(Application.Count(Range("A13:A10000")))
x = 13
Do Until x = MyCnt + 1
If y = "W" Then
If Range("AO" & x).Value = "Water" And Range("BD" & x).Value > 0 Then
Range("BL" & x).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(BJ" & x & ",'G:Archive reports\[Supply Chain Report wk" & archive & ".XLS]PO'!$BJ:$BL,3,FALSE)"
End If
ElseIf y = "N" Then
If Range("AO" & x).Value = "Nu" And Range("BD" & x).Value > 0 Then
Range("BL" & x).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(BJ" & x & ",'G:\Archive reports\[Supply Chain Report wk" & archive & ".XLS]PO'!$BJ:$BL,3,FALSE)"
End If
ElseIf y = "C" Then
If Range("AO" & x).Value = "Con" And Range("BD" & x).Value > 0 Then
Range("BL" & x).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(BJ" & x & ",'G:\Archive reports\[Supply Chain Report wk" & archive & ".XLS]PO'!$BJ:$BL,3,FALSE)"
End If
ElseIf y = "D" Then
If Range("AO" & x).Value = "Downs" And Range("BD" & x).Value > 0 Then
Range("BL" & x).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(BJ" & x & ",'G:\Archive reports\[Supply Chain Report wk" & archive & ".XLS]PO'!$BJ:$BL,3,FALSE)"
End If
ElseIf y = "U" Then
If Range("AO" & x).Value = "Ups" And Range("BD" & x).Value > 0 Then
Range("BL" & x).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(BJ" & x & ",'G:\Archive reports\[Supply Chain Report wk" & archive & ".XLS]PO'!$BJ:$BL,3,FALSE)"
End If
MsgBox "You have not entered W, D, U, C or N - Please try again"
Exit Sub
End If
x = x + 1
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
As always, many thanks in advance for your suggestions.