Sub VanWest()
Dim numrec As Integer
Dim numprice As Integer
Dim mtprice As Currency, mt As Single
Dim mrprice As Currency, mr As Single
Dim mdp As Currency, mgp As Currency, idp As Currency, ops As Currency, inc As Single
Dim pmdp As Single, pmgp As Single, pidp As Single, pops As Single
Dim t1 As Integer, t2 As Integer, t3 As Integer, t4 As Integer
Dim numb As Integer, col As Integer
Dim n1 As Single, n2 As Single, n3 As Single, n4 As Single
Call ExtractSubset
' Validate probability values
t3 = 6
For t1 = 4 To 7
For t2 = t1 + 1 To 8
If IsNumeric(Sheets("Setup").Cells(t1, t3).Text) = False Or IsNumeric(Sheets("Setup").Cells(t2, t3).Text) = False Then
MsgBox "Non-numeric entry in purchase probabilities": GoTo 999
End If
If Sheets("Setup").Cells(t1, t3).Value > 1 Or Sheets("Setup").Cells(t1, t3).Value < 0 Or Sheets("Setup").Cells(t2, t3).Value > 1 Or Sheets("Setup").Cells(t2, t3).Value < 0 Then
MsgBox "Purchase probabilities must be between 0 and 1": GoTo 999
End If
If Sheets("Setup").Cells(t1, t3).Value = Sheets("Setup").Cells(t2, t3).Value Then
MsgBox "Cannot assign more than one purchase probability answer the same probability": GoTo 999
End If
Next t2
Next t1
' Clear out workspace
' Clean data
numrec = 0
For t1 = 1 To 8
t2 = Application.CountA(Range(Cells(1, t1), Cells(4000, t1)))
If t2 > numrec Then numrec = t2
Next t1
For t1 = 1 To numrec
t2 = 0
' blank out non-numeric cells
For t3 = 1 To 8
If IsNumeric(Cells(t1, t3)) = False Then Cells(t1, t3) = ""
Next t3
' if "too expensive" or "too cheap" price is blank then relace with max/min
If Cells(t1, 1) = "" Then Cells(t1, 1).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("A:A"))
If Cells(t1, 4) = "" Then Cells(t1, 4).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Range("D:D"))
' if "expensive" or "bargain" price is blank then reject record
If Cells(t1, 2) = "" Or Cells(t1, 3) = "" Then t2 = 1: GoTo 5
n1 = Cells(t1, 1).Value: n2 = Cells(t1, 2).Value: n3 = Cells(t1, 3).Value: n4 = Cells(t1, 4).Value
If n1 = 0 Or n2 = 0 Or n3 = 0 Then t2 = 1
If n3 < n4 Or n2 < n3 Or n1 < n2 Then t2 = 1
5 If t2 = 1 Then Rows(t1).ClearContents
Next t1
Columns("A:H").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
t1 = 0: t2 = 0: n1 = 0: n2 = 0: n3 = 0: n4 = 0: numrec = 0
' Recode probabilities
Columns("E:H").Replace What:=Sheets("Setup").Range("e4"), Replacement:="A", LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
Columns("E:H").Replace What:=Sheets("Setup").Range("e5"), Replacement:="B", LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
Columns("E:H").Replace What:=Sheets("Setup").Range("e6"), Replacement:="C", LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
Columns("E:H").Replace What:=Sheets("Setup").Range("e7"), Replacement:="D", LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
Columns("E:H").Replace What:=Sheets("Setup").Range("e8"), Replacement:="E", LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
Columns("E:H").Replace What:="A", Replacement:=Sheets("Setup").Range("f4"), LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
Columns("E:H").Replace What:="B", Replacement:=Sheets("Setup").Range("f5"), LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
Columns("E:H").Replace What:="C", Replacement:=Sheets("Setup").Range("f6"), LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
Columns("E:H").Replace What:="D", Replacement:=Sheets("Setup").Range("f7"), LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
Columns("E:H").Replace What:="E", Replacement:=Sheets("Setup").Range("f8"), LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows
' need to calculate the number of records and number of distinct prices
' before defining arrays
numrec = Application.CountA(Range("A:A"))
' Stack and sort all price answers
t1 = 1
For t2 = 1 To 4
For t3 = 1 To numrec
Cells(t1, 9).Value = Cells(t3, t2)
t1 = t1 + 1
Next t3
Next t2
Columns("I:I").Sort Key1:=Range("I1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:= _
' Count the number of distinct price answers given
numprice = 1
For t1 = 2 To (numrec * 4)
If Cells(t1, 9) <> Cells(t1 - 1, 9) Then numprice = numprice + 1
Next t1
' Declare the array variables dependent upon number of records/prices
ReDim pricebins(1 To numprice) As Currency
ReDim te(1 To numprice) As Single, ti(1 To numprice) As Single, e(1 To numprice) As Single, i(1 To numprice) As Single
ReDim itrial(1 To numprice, 1 To numrec) As Single
For t1 = 1 To numprice
For t2 = 1 To numrec
itrial(t1, t2) = 999
Next t2
Next t1
' Define pricebins
t1 = 1
pricebins(t1) = Cells(t1, 9)
For t2 = 2 To (numrec * 4)
If Cells(t2, 9) <> Cells(t2 - 1, 9) Then t1 = t1 + 1: pricebins(t1) = Cells(t2, 9)
Next t2
' Calculate proportions
For t1 = 1 To numprice
Cells(t1, 10).Value = pricebins(t1)
n1 = Application.CountIf(Range("a:a"), pricebins(t1))
If n1 <> 0 Then te(t1) = n1 / numrec
n1 = Application.CountIf(Range("b:b"), pricebins(t1))
If n1 <> 0 Then e(t1) = n1 / numrec
n1 = Application.CountIf(Range("c:c"), pricebins(t1))
If n1 <> 0 Then i(t1) = n1 / numrec
n1 = Application.CountIf(Range("d:d"), pricebins(t1))
If n1 <> 0 Then ti(t1) = n1 / numrec
Next t1
' Cum proportions and set into sheet
For t1 = 1 To numprice
Cells(t1, 10).Value = pricebins(t1)
Cells(t1, 15).Value = pricebins(t1)
n1 = Application.CountIf(Range("a:a"), pricebins(t1))
If n1 <> 0 Then Cells(t1, 11).Value = te(t1)
n1 = Application.CountIf(Range("b:b"), pricebins(t1))
If n1 <> 0 Then Cells(t1, 12).Value = e(t1)
n1 = Application.CountIf(Range("c:c"), pricebins(numprice + 1 - t1))
If n1 <> 0 Then Cells(numprice + 1 - t1, 13).Value = i(numprice + 1 - t1)
n1 = Application.CountIf(Range("d:d"), pricebins(numprice + 1 - t1))
If n1 <> 0 Then Cells(numprice + 1 - t1, 14).Value = ti(numprice + 1 - t1)
If t1 = numprice Then GoTo 10
te(t1 + 1) = te(t1 + 1) + te(t1)
e(t1 + 1) = e(t1 + 1) + e(t1)
i(numprice - t1) = i(numprice + 1 - t1) + i(numprice - t1)
ti(numprice - t1) = ti(numprice + 1 - t1) + ti(numprice - t1)
10 Next t1
' Interpolate proportions
If Cells(1, 11).Value = "" Then Cells(1, 11).Value = 0
If Cells(1, 12).Value = "" Then Cells(1, 12).Value = 0
If Cells(1, 13).Value = "" Then Cells(1, 13).Value = 1
If Cells(1, 14).Value = "" Then Cells(1, 14).Value = 1
If Cells(numprice, 11).Value = "" Then Cells(numprice, 11).Value = 1
If Cells(numprice, 12).Value = "" Then Cells(numprice, 12).Value = 1
If Cells(numprice, 13).Value = "" Then Cells(numprice, 13).Value = 0
If Cells(numprice, 14).Value = "" Then Cells(numprice, 14).Value = 0
' forwards ...
For col = 11 To 12
t1 = 1
n1 = Cells(t1, col).Value
t1 = t1 + 1
If Cells(t1, col).Value = "" Then
numb = 1
t1 = t1 + 1
If Cells(t1, col).Value <> "" Then n2 = Cells(t1, col).Value Else numb = numb + 1
Loop Until Cells(t1, col).Value <> ""
inc = (n2 - n1) / (numb + 1)
t3 = 1
For t2 = (t1 - numb) To (t1 - 1)
Cells(t2, col).Value = n1 + (inc * t3)
t3 = t3 + 1
Next t2
n1 = n2
n1 = Cells(t1, col).Value
End If
Loop Until t1 = numprice
Next col
' ...and backwards
For col = 13 To 14
t1 = numprice
n1 = Cells(t1, col).Value
t1 = t1 - 1
If Cells(t1, col).Value = "" Then
numb = 1
t1 = t1 - 1
If Cells(t1, col).Value <> "" Then n2 = Cells(t1, col).Value Else numb = numb + 1
Loop Until Cells(t1, col).Value <> ""
inc = (n2 - n1) / (numb + 1)
t3 = 1
For t2 = (t1 + numb) To (t1 + 1) Step -1
Cells(t2, col).Value = n1 + (inc * t3)
t3 = t3 + 1
Next t2
n1 = n2
n1 = Cells(t1, col).Value
End If
Loop Until t1 = 1
Next col
' Set in probabilities
If Sheets("data").Range("e1") = "" Then GoTo 40
For t1 = 1 To numrec
For t2 = 1 To 4
For t3 = 1 To numprice
If Cells(t1, t2).Value = pricebins(t3) Then itrial(t3, t1) = Cells(t1, t2 + 4).Value
Next t3
Next t2
Next t1
' Interpolate probabilities
For col = 1 To numrec
t1 = 1
n1 = t1
Do Until itrial(t1, col) <> 999
If itrial(t1, col) <> 999 Then n1 = t1 Else t1 = t1 + 1
If itrial(t1, col) <> 999 Then n1 = t1
t1 = t1 + 1
If t1 > numprice Then Exit Do
If itrial(t1, col) = 999 Then
t1 = t1 + 1
If t1 > numprice Then Exit Do
If itrial(t1, col) <> 999 Then n2 = t1
Loop Until itrial(t1, col) <> 999
If t1 > numprice Then GoTo 30
inc = (itrial(n2, col) - itrial(n1, col)) / (pricebins(n2) - pricebins(n1))
For t4 = (n1 + 1) To (n2 - 1)
itrial(t4, col) = itrial(n1, col) + (inc * (pricebins(t4) - pricebins(n1)))
Next t4
n1 = n2
30 End If
Loop Until t1 = numprice
Next col
' set placeholders (999's) to zeros, calculate and set in trial/revenue values
For t1 = 1 To numprice
inc = 0
For t2 = 1 To numrec
If itrial(t1, t2) = 999 Then itrial(t1, t2) = 0
inc = inc + itrial(t1, t2)
Next t2
Cells(t1, 16).Value = inc / numrec
Cells(t1, 17).Value = inc * pricebins(t1) / numrec * n1
Next t1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("Q:Q")) <> 0 Then
n1 = 0.9 / (Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("Q:Q")))
End If
' Calculate IDP,MGP,MDP,OPS,MaxTrial,MaxRevenue
40 idp = -1: mgp = -1: mdp = -1: ops = -1
pidp = 0: pmgp = 0: pmdp = 0: pops = 0
mtprice = 0: mt = 0: mrprice = 0: mr = 0
For t1 = 1 To numprice
If Cells(t1, 13).Value = Cells(t1, 12) And idp = -1 Then
idp = pricebins(t1)
pidp = Cells(t1, 13)
End If
If Cells(t1, 13).Value < Cells(t1, 12) And idp = -1 Then
idp = intercept((pricebins(t1 - 1)), (pricebins(t1)), Cells(t1 - 1, 13), Cells(t1, 13), Cells(t1 - 1, 12), Cells(t1, 12))
pidp = interceptk((pricebins(t1 - 1)), (pricebins(t1)), (idp), Cells(t1 - 1, 13), Cells(t1, 13))
End If
If Cells(t1, 13).Value = Cells(t1, 11).Value And mdp = -1 Then
mdp = pricebins(t1)
pmdp = Cells(t1, 13)
End If
If Cells(t1, 13).Value < Cells(t1, 11).Value And mdp = -1 Then
mdp = intercept((pricebins(t1 - 1)), (pricebins(t1)), Cells(t1 - 1, 13), Cells(t1, 13), Cells(t1 - 1, 11), Cells(t1, 11))
pmdp = interceptk((pricebins(t1 - 1)), (pricebins(t1)), (mdp), Cells(t1 - 1, 13), Cells(t1, 13))
End If
If Cells(t1, 14).Value = Cells(t1, 12).Value And mgp = -1 Then
mgp = pricebins(t1)
pmgp = Cells(t1, 14)
End If
If Cells(t1, 14).Value < Cells(t1, 12).Value And mgp = -1 Then
mgp = intercept((pricebins(t1 - 1)), (pricebins(t1)), Cells(t1 - 1, 14), Cells(t1, 14), Cells(t1 - 1, 12), Cells(t1, 12))
pmgp = interceptk((pricebins(t1 - 1)), (pricebins(t1)), (mgp), Cells(t1 - 1, 14), Cells(t1, 14))
End If
If Cells(t1, 14).Value = Cells(t1, 11).Value And ops = -1 Then
ops = pricebins(t1)
pops = Cells(t1, 14)
End If
If Cells(t1, 14).Value < Cells(t1, 11).Value And ops = -1 Then
ops = intercept((pricebins(t1 - 1)), (pricebins(t1)), Cells(t1 - 1, 14), Cells(t1, 14), Cells(t1 - 1, 11), Cells(t1, 11))
pops = interceptk((pricebins(t1 - 1)), (pricebins(t1)), (ops), Cells(t1 - 1, 14), Cells(t1, 14))
End If
If Sheets("Data").Range("e1") = "" Then GoTo 50
If Cells(t1, 16) >= mt Then
mt = Cells(t1, 16)
mtprice = pricebins(t1)
End If
Cells(t1, 17) = Cells(t1, 17) * n1
If Cells(t1, 17) >= mr Then
mr = Cells(t1, 17)
mrprice = pricebins(t1)
End If
50 Next t1
' Set in labels and points for graphs
Cells(1, 21) = mgp: Cells(1, 20) = Sheets("Setup").Range("B13") & "=" & Cells(1, 21).Text: Cells(1, 22) = pmgp
Cells(2, 21) = mgp: Cells(2, 22) = 0.9
Cells(3, 21) = mdp: Cells(3, 20) = Sheets("Setup").Range("B14") & "=" & Cells(3, 21).Text: Cells(3, 22) = pmdp
Cells(4, 21) = mdp: Cells(4, 22) = 0.9
Cells(5, 21) = idp: Cells(5, 20) = Sheets("Setup").Range("B15") & "=" & Cells(5, 21).Text: Cells(5, 22) = pidp
Cells(6, 21) = ops: Cells(6, 20) = Sheets("Setup").Range("B16") & "=" & Cells(6, 21).Text: Cells(6, 22) = pops
Cells(7, 21) = mtprice: Cells(7, 20) = Sheets("Setup").Range("B20") & "=" & Cells(7, 21).Text: Cells(7, 22) = mt
Cells(8, 21) = mrprice: Cells(8, 20) = Sheets("Setup").Range("B21") & "=" & Cells(8, 21).Text: Cells(8, 22) = mr
Cells(10, 21) = mgp + 0.15: Cells(10, 22) = 0.9
Cells(11, 21) = mdp - 0.15: Cells(11, 22) = 0.9
Cells(12, 20) = " (n=" & numrec & ")"
' Update PSM Chart
'Cannot figure out why this line is not working
Worksheets("SubwayPricing").ChartObjects("Chart 18").Activate
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Setup").Range("b4") & chr(10) & Sheets("Setup").Range("b5") & Sheets("Data").Range("t12")
Selection.AutoScaleFont = False
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 14
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Setup").Range("b7")
Selection.AutoScaleFont = False
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 12
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Setup").Range("b8")
Selection.AutoScaleFont = False
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 12
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(3).Name = Sheets("Setup").Range("b9")
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(4).Name = Sheets("Setup").Range("b10")
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(5).Name = Sheets("Setup").Range("b11")
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(6).Name = Sheets("Setup").Range("b12")
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
.MinimumScale = Int(pricebins(1))
.MaximumScale = Int(pricebins(numprice) + 0.99)
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
End With
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Setup").Range("B17")
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Data").Range("T1")
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Data").Range("T3")
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Data").Range("T5")
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Data").Range("T6")
' Update Trial Revenue Chart
Worksheets("SubwayPricing").ChartObjects("Chart 19").Activate
If Sheets("Data").Range("e1") = "" Then
Selection.Characters.Text = "No Data"
Selection.Characters.Text = "No Data"
GoTo 998
End If
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Setup").Range("b4") & chr(10) & Sheets("Setup").Range("b6") & Sheets("data").Range("t12")
Selection.AutoScaleFont = False
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 14
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Setup").Range("b8")
Selection.AutoScaleFont = False
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 12
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = Sheets("Setup").Range("b18")
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).Name = Sheets("Setup").Range("b19")
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
.MinimumScale = Int(pricebins(1))
.MaximumScale = Int(pricebins(numprice) + 0.99)
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
End With
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Data").Range("T7")
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Data").Range("T8")
' Update Trial/Revenue Price Data Chart
Sheets("PE_Interactive").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
Selection.Characters.Text = Sheets("Setup").Range("b4") & chr(10) & "Revenue/Trial Price Data" & Sheets("Data").Range("t12")
Selection.AutoScaleFont = False
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 14
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
998 Worksheets("SubwayPricing").Activate
999 End Sub
Function intercept(p0 As Single, p1 As Single, x0 As Single, x1 As Single, y0 As Single, y1 As Single)
intercept = (p0 + ((p1 - p0) * (x0 - y0) / ((y1 - y0) - (x1 - x0))))
End Function
Function interceptk(p0 As Single, p1 As Single, pp As Single, y0 As Single, y1 As Single)
interceptk = (y0 + ((y1 - y0) * ((pp - p0) / (p1 - p0))))
End Function