I just wondered what other people do in terms of managing the code they've written? Also to offer out my solution.
You can't remember every line of code and, as we know, there's no point in re-inventing the wheel.
I keep a code dump and write text files of all of the things I've written and think will be handy at some point in the future.
Then I use this VB Script to find things (launched by a keyboard shortcut from the desktop)
In a corporate enviroment where I cant install any management tools, it works nicely for me!
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts/techniques.
You can't remember every line of code and, as we know, there's no point in re-inventing the wheel.
I keep a code dump and write text files of all of the things I've written and think will be handy at some point in the future.
Then I use this VB Script to find things (launched by a keyboard shortcut from the desktop)
'[C] AWP - 2012
'Searches files within Address string for given search string.
'output displayed in IE Window with file name and line number
Dim address
dim search
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
address = "h:\wp\code.txt"
search = inputbox("What are you searching for?","slinky's codesearcher")
If search = "" then wscript.quit
strcmd = "cmd /C echo Searching for " & Search & " > h:\wp\code.txt"
strcmd1 = "cmd /C findstr /i /N /c:"""& search & """ h:\wp\code_dump\*.* >> h:\wp\code.txt"
objshell.run(strcmd), 1, true
objshell.run(strcmd1), 1, true
set ie = wscript.createobject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
.Left = 100
.Top = 100
.Height = 600
.Width = 1000
.MenuBar = 0
.Toolbar = 0
.StatusBar = 0
.navigate address
.Visible = 1
End With
In a corporate enviroment where I cant install any management tools, it works nicely for me!
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts/techniques.